1 Jan 2016



After all the wonderful Christmas indulgence I look forward to a new year of glorious health restoring broths and ramens, I find these bowls of sunshine fill my mind and body full of goodness that heals and detoxes while still delivering gorgeous flavours.

Turkey Stock Cooking Time 1 hr / Prep Time 5 minutes / Cook Time 5 minutes

(serves 8 )

For The Turkey Stock
1 left over roast turkey or chicken
2 carrots halved
1 onion quartered
1 leek quartered
2 sticks celerly halved
4 gloves garlic crushed
2 bay leaves
2 sprigs of thyme
1/2 tsp sea salt
10 whole black peppercorns

The Broth Per Person
500ml of turkey stock
1 handful left over shredded turkey
1 handful of watercress torn
1 handful chopped kale
3 nero kale leaves chopped
1 spring onion chopped
1 chilli chopped
1 tbsp grated raw beetroot
1 tbsp raw grated carrot

First job is to make the turkey stock, take your left over roast turkey bird and pick off all the meat, place in a tub in the fridge, place all the bones and skin in to a large deep pan, add all of the other ingredeints and fill with water to just cover the bird, bring to a gently simmer and leave to tick over for and hour or so, skim off any froth that forms in the beginning.

Strain the stock and check for taste, if it is a little weak on flavour bring the stock to a rolling boil and reduce by a third, then season with sea salt and white pepper.  This stock can be freezed and used when needed.

To serve the broth, bring 500ml per person to a gently simmer and add all the broth ingredients simmer for two minutes, in your serving bowls add some of the left over roast turkey meat then add the broth and finish off with a sprinkling of raw grated beetroot and carrot.

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