Top Blog Recipes

11 Jan 2016



You will never be able to go back to a take away kebab again after trying this, loaded full of fabulous flavours you will find it hard to believe that this whole kebab is only around 590 kcal, a massively wonderful face stuffing mouth watering oh my gosh I love this kebab, making you make lots of eating noises you might want to keep behind closed doors!,  This is down to the great honest ingredients, this is how kebabs should be, fresh, fast and fantastic, a winner winner dinner for all.

Prep Time 15 minutes / Proving Time 1 hr / Cooking Time 7-10 minutes

(serves 4)

For the Lamb Kebab
500g grass feed lamb minced
4 cloves garlic grated
1 onion finely chopped
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tbsp oregano fresh or dried
1 good pinch sea salt
1 good pinch ground white pepper

Kebab Stuffing Extras
Finely sliced white cabbage
Finely sliced red cabbage
6 carrots finely sliced or julienned
2 Spanish onions finely sliced
12 kebab chilli pickles

For the Flat Bread
500g 00 flour
15g dried yeast
10g sea salt
50ml olive oil
320g cooled boiled water

For the Mayonnaise
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp white wine vinegar
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch white pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
approx 300ml olive oil

First make the dough, place all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and bring together to form a ball, knead for 7 minutes until smooth and elastic to the touch, cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for at least one hour.

Next make the mayonnaise, place the egg yolk in a large bowl along with the white wine vinegar, gently start whisking together while slowly drizzling the oil in, for the first part keep the drizzle really slow, once your mayo starts to emulsify you can incorporate the oil a lot faster, once you have a thick mayo add the sea salt, pepper and mustard.

Take a frying pan with a lid, reserving the lid for later, heat the coconut oil and gently saute the onion and garlic until soft, around 5 minutes, leave to one side to cool.  Place the lamb mince in a large mixing bowl and add the rest of the ingredients and the cooled onions and garlic, don't wash the frying pan as you will need this to sear the kebabs, mix well and divide in to four equal portions, shape each portion into a cigar shape.  Place you frying pan back on a high heat and sear each kebab on all sides, then turn the heat down to a low medium, add 50ml of water and pop the lid on, leave to finish cooking approx 6 minutes, while they are cooking turn out the dough onto a floured worktop, divide in to 8 portions and shape in to balls, roll out each ball to approx 8 inches in diameter.

Flat bread
Remove the cooked kebabs and place on a serving plate, wipe out the frying pan with paper roll and place back on a high heat, dry pan fry each flat bread for approx one minute on each side, allowing them to catch and char a little, wrap in a tea towel to keep warm while you cook the rest.

Serve family style, place bowls of the kebab stuffing on the table along with a bowl of the mayonnaise, a stack of flat breads and the lamb kebabs where everyone can help themselves and build their kebabs to their likin.

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