Top Blog Recipes

14 Feb 2016


Sundays are always something special in our home, a slow family day where we together go down the farm feed and muck out the animals, then home to start the Sunday Brunch and Sunday Roast, all reared and grown by ourselves, after brunch and a family activity we all bundle on the sofa for a movie while the roast is in the oven, then great family memories are made round the table over our home raised and grown ingredients, a truly soul satisfying family day.

Prep time 15 minutes / Cooking time 60 minutes

(serves 4)

1kg rack of pork french trimmed, chine bone off and tied back on
2 tbsp lard
1 kg potatoes peeled and finely sliced
200ml double cream
4 clove garlic finely chopped
Sea salt
White pepper
100g Gruyere cheese finely grated
1/4 tsp nutmeg grated
4 large carrots peeled and sliced in to fingers
1 swede peeled and sliced in to fingers

Prep all your ingredients while your oven pre heats, as this is a relatively fast cook and the one hour countdown starts from when the pork goes in.

Pre heat your oven to 220 degrees, generously rub the skin of the pork with sea salt and place in your roasting tin along with the lard, pop in the oven for 30 minutes at this high temperature, this is what will set your crackling, after 30 minutes turn the oven down to 180 degrees and leave to cook the last 30 minutes.  Meanwhile make the dauphinoise.

Place the grated potato in a large bowl, pour over the cream and add the garlic, mix well so that every slice of potato is coated with cream.  In a roasting tin place a single layer of the potato over the base of the tin, sprinkle over a little, Gruyere cheese, sea salt and white pepper and nutmeg, repeat this layering until you have used up all the potato, finish off with a final layer of the seasonings, pop in the oven fifteen minutes after the pork goes in, 45 minutes left on the cooking time.

Bring a pan of water to a rolling simmer and part boil the carrots and swede until almost fork tender, drain and toss in the rack of pork's roasting tin, pop back in the oven and cook for the remaining thirty minutes.  When the hour is up, remove the pork to rest for ten minutes, if you want to test the pork is cooked insert a temperature probe you are looking for 65 degrees if you like you pork just cooked with almost a hint of pink, juicy and succulent (not suitable for the young, elderly or pregnant), if you prefer your pork a little more cooked 72-75 degrees will give you  thoroughly cooked pork.

Serve the pork sliced with a wedge of the creamy rich dauphiniose potatoes and your glorious roasted carrots and swede fingers.

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