Top Blog Recipes

31 Mar 2016


This is a really simple and easy make and gives you that feel good feeling of natural living and loving your body and mother earth, not contributing to land fill and the best bit is no chemicals on or in your body.

This homemade deodorant bar that has for my family and friends worked better than any store brought deodorant and other natural options I have ever used, and believe me I think I have tried them all with little success, until I suddenly started to think outside of the box and back to time with my Nan and Grandad and days gone by where people, family relied upon themselves and local producers for what they needed and I found this recipe on Wellness Mama and have never looked back.

Prep Time 10 minutes / Ready to use in 3 hours
Equipment: 1 mason ball glass jar for this job only
The Wrap: 30 x 30cm cotton / 50g solid bees wax / buttons / twine

It was not a hard decision to go organic in fact it has been liberating and the further my family travels this path the more clearer the obvious becomes, when I am asked why go organic my simple answer is WHY NOT?  When you realise that all the man made chemicals are harmful long term and that mass produced products are about profit for the manufacturers and nothing to do with your personal well being or with any respect or regard to the environment it is a simple easy answer. 

If we all had to use our gardens as our own personal rubbish dumps/tips it would not be too long before people started to want to reduce that pile and to stop adding to the pile that would eventually take over their garden, so with this thought in mind we pre-cycle, up-cycle and re-cycle.

(makes 1 bar)

3 tbsp organic coconut oil
2 tbsp organic shea butter
2 tbsp baking powder (3 for a stronger protection)
(I found 3 tbsp irritated me, 2 perfect protection and no irritation)
2 tbsp organic arrowroot
40 drops organic essential oil tea tree or chamomile

Bring a tall pan 1/4 filled with water to a gentle simmer, in a ball mason or glass jar add the coconut oil and shea butter, place the glass jar in to the saucepan, in effect a bain marie, when the mix has virtually melted remove for the pan and add the baking powder and arrowroot, stir well until all dissolved, add the essential oil and stir in and that is it done!

I use a small single portion cake tin to set my bar in, pour in the liquid and place in the fridge until set around 3hrs.  If you want to make a wax proof cover the instructions are below, It is just a nice touch to finish off your deodorant and great if you are giving them as gifts to friends and loved ones.

Bee's Wax Cover

1 organic bees wax bar
1 sheet of cotton 30cm x 30cm
2 buttons
30cm natural twine

Pre-heat your oven to 150 degrees C, 290 F, line a baking tray with baking paper and place the cotton on the paper, grate the bees wax and sprinkle over the cotton sheet, pop in the oven for 3-5 minutes until the bees wax has melted, using a pastry brush that will now only be used for this job brush the melted wax evenly all over the cotton sheet.  I now pick up the cotton sheet by the corners and just hold it in the air for about 3 minutes, this just allows the wax to cool and set, you can peg the cotton sheet to a string washing line if you were making multitudes, this I have done too!

Now for the folding, as you can see in the photos above fold the sheet in to three equal sections, like a menu, you can work this out by just gently bringing over the left and right side of the fabric loosely without making any creases in the stiff fabric until you feel you have a equal measurement.

Next measure the length of your bar and fold the bottom of the wax cloth up to just short of equal of that measurement, now I sow on the two buttons, these buttons for me are so personal as my nan collected all buttons from any garment that was past its day over her life and I have all of these in my care, in fact I know I can name some of the garments they were removed from, such memories, such up cycling, it really is not a  new thing, it really is a lost gift to the slow western greener world.

Place your set bar in your cloth and wrap up as you folded the cloth, left to right then bottom up, tie the natural twine around in a figure of eight the buttons to secure the pouch, as you use the deodorant just move the bottom fabric up, scoouch the deodorant bar up the fabric holder and re tie the twine.

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