Top Blog Recipes

6 Mar 2016


This is soooo rich and decedent that it really is unfair to all traditional old fashioned school rice pudding lovers to call this a rice pudding, if I do you will not be happy, firstly this is much richer and more of a creme englaise custard rice pudding, in its own right a gorgeous pudding but the main reason is that the skin is missing, and I know for some of you traditionalist this is a big part of your rice pudding, this I will work on, yuk! from my husbands point of view it is the best bit and essential.  But with all that said, my family gobbled it all down with delight.

(serves 2)

90g pudding rice
90g sugar
250ml double cream
250ml full fat milk
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
5 egg yolks

Wash the rice several times and place in a pan with the cream and milk, bring to a gentle simmer and cook for approx 20 minutes until the rice is cooked, meanwhile place the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla paste in a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy.

Take two ladles of the rice milk from the cooker and add to the egg yolks mixture, whisk quickly to incorporate, add the rest of the rice milk and mix well, add everything back to the saucepan and cook gently for a further 2 minutes and then serve.  If you want a hint of skin place the rice pudding under the grill for a couple of minutes, this will not give you that traditional thick baked skin but might be a compromise.

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