Top Blog Recipes

20 Jun 2016


You just cannot beat good old fashioned food, there is a reason it is iconic, saying that this recipe has been returned back to days gone by where each layer is made to the highest level of flavour, not like the trifle we got as kids from packets of jelly, powdered birds custard, tinned fruit and processed sponge fingers, this trifle will give you the most glorious sumptuous eating pleasure of each layer individually or all together and boy does it just do that!

Prep & Cooking Time 1 hour

(serves 6-8)

For The Sponge Base
250g caster sugar
8 egg yolks
250g self raising flour
60g butter melted

Raspberry Jelly
500g water
500g caster sugar
1 kg raspberries
10 gelatine leaves

Madeira Custard
1 ltr double cream
120g caster sugar
200g egg yolks
100ml Madeira or Bristol cream
10 gelatine leaves

Chantilly Cream
300g double cream
50g icing sugar

hundreds and thousands
baby mint leaves

First make the sponge base, put the egg yolks and sugar in to your mixer or bowl and electric mixer and whisk for 12 minutes until light and fluffy and ribbons trial, in a shallow grease proof lined tin pour in the batter to a depth of one inch thick, place in a pre heated oven 180 degrees for 8 minutes, remove and place on a cooling rack, repeat with any left over cake batter.  Once cooled trim the sponge to fit the base of your mould tightly.

Next to make the jelly put the gelatine leaves in cold water and reserve to one side, next place the sugar and water in a pan and bring to a gentle simmer, add the raspberries reserving the amount you will need to stand in rows in your mould.  Simmer for ten minutes then drain the liquid through a sieve and press through as much of the raspberries as possible back in to the pan and place back on the heat, add the soaked gelatine leaves, whisk in, take off the heat and transfer to your cold bowl from the fridge and leave to start to set, when this is still only just pourable stand the raspberries on the sponge base in your mould and pour over the jelly 3/4 of the way up the raspberries, pop in the fridge to set further.

Now to make the custard, place the gelatine in a bowl of cold water, then place the egg yolks and sugar in your mixer and whisk until light and fluffy, meanwhile place the double cream in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer, add the Madeira or Bristol cream then while whisking all the time pour the double cream over the eggs and sugar then pour back in to your saucepan and place back on a low heat and cook for a couple of minutes, add the gelatine leaves and whisk in, then pass the custard through a sieve and place in the fridge to start cooling.  When your custard is starting to set and is still only just pourable pour over the jelly layer in your mould and leave to set.

Finally make the Chantilly cream by whisking the icing sugar in to the cream and then whisking the cream until thick, scoop in to a piping bag and pop in the fridge to firm up.  Once your custard has set pipe on the cream and finish with a generous sprinkling of hundreds and thousands and the pretty little mint leaves for decoration pop back in the fridge to set for at lease one hour and enjoy.

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