Top Blog Recipes

13 Sept 2016


(Home Grown and Raised on our Little Farm)

This is a powerful blood and liver cleansing fat busting cholesterol lowering lung protecting  beautiful salad bursting full of zesty flavours and knowing what this food is doing for your health for me makes it so much more yummy, a real feel good eat, one of my top favourite salads.

I'm not sure we should do detox diet's as a short term fix, instead to me it makes sense to eat detox foods on a daily basis, to have to undertake a detox makes me think of low maintenance, (poor eating) and that is not how a loved and slightly mis-used (!) body should be treated, with that thought in mind and that I do regularly indulge in beautiful food, I therefore try to keep a good balance by eating a healthy gorgeous rainbow colour of organic home grown foods that nourish and naturally support and detox your body on a daily basis so those oh so naughty moments are counter balanced by a diet high in super for you foods, balance is the key for me.

Prep Time 5 minutes / Cooking time 7 minutes

(serves 2)

1 tsp organic coconut oil
2 skinless organic chicken breasts
1 red chilli sliced
1/4 fennel finely sliced
1 lemon juiced
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 tsp fresh grated turmeric (1/4 tsp powdered)
1 bunch dandelion leaves
1 bunch watercress
1 large handful spinach
1 stick celery finely diced
2 beetroots peeled and grated
1 spring onion sliced
Large pinch sea salt and black pepper

First finely slice the chicken breast, heat the coconut oil in a pan on a medium high heat and once hot add the chicken, sear the chicken on both sides for a couple of minutes, then add the ginger, turmeric, fennel, chilli and lemon juice, turn down to a low heat and pop on a lid to slowly finish cooking.  Meanwhile...

Place on your serving bowls or plates a mix of the dandelion leaves, watercress and spinach, sprinkle over the grated beetroot, celery and spring onion.

Take the chicken of the heat and season with the salt and pepper and serve on top of your salad, that's it, now enjoy a bowl of beautiful body loving abundance.

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