Top Blog Recipes

12 Oct 2016



I first discovered this style of twice baked potato in Spain many (20 yrs ago) years ago and I still have fond memories of that little Canteen where at 3am (and it was packed) we would stop off to pick up our dinner plus an extra one for breakfast on our way home, I reminisces that one potato never made out the Canteen, the anticipation of waiting for the made to order stuffed twice baked potato would have us salivating so we always just sat down on a wall and enjoyed it there and then!

The secret to all good food, apart from the most honest ingredients is in the it is the scooping out of all the potato from it's skin into a bowl, adding all your choice of ingredients to the potato, mixing mashing them roughly all together so that they all have their own pockets of flavour while also just starting to blend into the other flavours in the potato not becoming one mass of mixed flavour, seasoned well and popped back into their skins and baked again giving you a light and fluffy twice baked delicious dinner and finished off with a glorious creamy slaw.

Prep Time 10 minutes / Potato Baking 1 hour / Second Baking 20 minutes

(serves 2)

2 large baking potatoes
1 tsp sea salt
30ml olive oil
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp butter diced
20g Parmesan grated
Chunk of stilton crumbled
4 tbsp  cooked black beans
2 tbsp mixed chia flax sunflower pumpkin seeds
(or any filling of your choice)

Garden Coleslaw
(any green leaves are great)
2 nero kale leaves finely sliced
6 rhubarb chard leaves
12 large spinach leaves torn
1 handful land cress
1 onion finely sliced
2 carrots julienned
tossed in 4 tbsp mayonnaise
Home Made Mayo
(only takes 2 minutes to make)
1 egg yolk
300ml olive oil
1/4 tsp sea salt
Pinch white pepper
1 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp mustard

To Make The Mayo place the egg yolks and white wine vinegar in a bowl and start to whisk, drizzle in a few drops of the olive oil at a time until half the oil is incorporated, then you can whisk in the oil at a much faster rate once all the oil is used add the mustard, salt and pepper and stir in, that's it.

To bake the potatoes I like to roll the potato in olive oil and sea salt, place in a hot oven 200 degrees for around one hour turning the potatoes over half way through the cooking time.

Cut the baked potato in half and scoop out all the soft potato in to a large bowl and add the rest of your choice of ingredients mash and mix in but do not make the mix as one flavour, you want all the ingredients to mix and marry but also to almost stand alone in company.  Place the potato back in to the potato skins finish with a extra grating of Parmesan and pop back in the oven to bake for a further 20 minutes then serve your fabulous twice baked potatoes either topped or on a side of  your garden mayo slaw.

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