Top Blog Recipes

4 Dec 2016


These are just divine, gorgeous crispy light flavoursome little bundles of pleasure, make plenty as they will go go go...  There is a perfect method for making pakoras light in the centre and not heavy and stodgy from adding too much gram flour, and that is a little salt and some time...

Prep Time 5 minutes / Resting Time 30 minutes / Cooking Time 3-4 minutes

(makes 15)

3 large onions finely sliced
1 tbsp sea salt
1 large potato peeled and grated
150g fresh spinach
250g gram flour
50g self raising flour
1 red chillies finely chopped
1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp cumin seeds ground
250ml+  water
2 ltrs peanut oil for deep frying

The Perfect Method
Place the onions in a large bowl and sprinkle over 1 tbsp of sea salt and leave for at least half an hour or more if you can, this allows the onions to release their liquid so when you add the gram flour you can gently crush the flour in to the onions and their liquid coating every strand before making a batter, this gives the pakora a better finish and reduces the chances of a stodgy claggy centre.

1.  Place the onions as mentioned above in a large bowl, sprinkle with 1 tbsp sea salt and leave for around half an hour.

2.  Add the potato and the gram flour and gently crush into the onions and potatoes until all coated, add the rest of the ingredients except the water and mix well, start to add the water and mix until you have a thick batter about the consistency of thick paint.

3.  Heat the oil to 180-190 degrees C / 356 F cook in small batches, spoon in several dollops of the pakora mix, fry for around 3 minutes until deep golden, remove from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper, season with a little sea salt if required and serve while still warm.

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