Top Blog Recipes

7 Dec 2016



Fabulous gorgeous wonderful so good for you, the planet and the animals who are not in this recipe!  A bounty of flavour and health giving foods that your body will love you for and your tastes buds even more soooo...

Prep Time 10 minutes / Cooking Time 10 minutes 
(serves 2-3)

1 sweet potato peeled diced
1 butternut peeled diced
1 can chic peas
1 onion diced
4 cm ginger grated
1 garlic chopped
1 lemongrass stalk chopped
4 fresh kaiffer lime leaves
1 lime juiced
1 can coconut milk
1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric fresh or powder
2 red chillies finely sliced
1 tbsp palm sugar
1 tbsp tamarind
Sea salt and white pepper
3 Handfuls spinach & watercress
1 large cup rice

This is a quick cook dinner and by using the start to finish cooking time of the rice this fabulous family meal can be on the table in 15 to 20 minutes, I have given you the 20 minute guide but the rice is ready at 15 minutes.

1.  First put the rice on to cook as this will take 15-20 minutes.  Wash the rice and drain, add to a pan along with two more large cups of water, this is important do not stir the rice at any point, pop on a lid and bring to a low gentle simmer for 10 minutes, do not take the lid off, when the 10 minutes is up take the rice off the heat and leaving the lid on place to one side to finish cooking for a further 5-10 minutes, then your perfect light fluffy rice is ready to serve.  Meanwhile...

2.  Bring a pan of seasoned water to a rolling boil and add the sweet potato and butternut squash and cook until tender, around 6 minutes, drain and add to your curry below...

3.  Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan and add the onion and garlic gently soften for five minutes, then add the lemongrass, lime leaves and ginger, stir in then after a minute or so add the turmeric and kashmiri powder and stir in.

4.  Next add the tamarind and lime juice along with the coconut milk and bring to a simmer, add the palm sugar, chillies, chic peas and the par boiled butternut squash and sweet potato bring to a simmer and season to taste with sea salt and white pepper.  You can also adjust the flavour to your taste with more or less lime juice and palm sugar.

5.  Place in your serving bowls a handful of the watercress and spinach, some rice and then a generous few ladles of your curry

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