Top Blog Recipes

26 Jan 2017


High Protien Low Carb Loaded with Flavour

This is one of my favourite weight loss meals, it is packed full of rich sumptuous flavour and loaded with goodness, quick and easy to pull together from the fridge in under 10 minutes this is one of those good to go to meals when hunger strikes and temptation is a calling...

Cooking time 7 minutes

(serves 1)

6oz organic fillet steak
1 tsp olive oil
1 glug olive oil for frying
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch black pepper
2 organic eggs
1 large handful spinach
1 tbsp full fat sharp yogurt

Rub the steak in the olive oil, season with the salt and pepper.  Heat your skillet medium high hot and sear the steaks for around 2 minutes on each side, only turning once half way through.  Take off the heat and leave to rest while you place the spinach on your plate and drizzle over the yogurt.

Heat a non stick frying pan medium hot, add a glug of olive oil and crack in your two eggs, once half cooked add 30 ml of water and pop a lid or plate on top to steam for another minute.

Slice you steak and sprinkle over the spinach and top with the eggs and enjoy.

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