Top Blog Recipes

10 Feb 2017


Fabulous crispy parcel stuffed with juicy braised BBQ pulled pork and black beans, topped with fresh vibrant zingy salsa, jalapenos and sour yogurt, served with fluffy rice, a brilliant mouthful every time, happy food makes happy family memories.

For a quicker dinner you can use organic canned black beans and slowly braise you your pulled pork for a couple of hours in the oven a day before, but I like to use organic dried black beans which require 12hrs pre soaking before cooking, then 4 hours of slow simmering to cook the beans, the advantage is that you can slowly braised the pork in with the beans which infuses more flavour to both.  I will also add a ham hock to this pan so that there is another whole family meal cooked at the same time and turn some of the beans in to Boston beans.

Overall prep and Cooking time 30 minutes when below is made...
Slow braising the BBQ pork and tin beans 2 hrs un-attended
If using dried beans 12hrs pre soaking overnight / 4 hrs Cooking time

(makes 4)

1 glug olive oil
1 onion finely diced
2 cloves garlic diced
1 carrot finely diced
1 stick celery finely diced
1 leek finely diced
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup tomato ketchup
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 cups dried/soaked (12hrs) black beans
1 kg loin or shoulder of pork
1.5 ltr coke a cola (optional)
2 ltr water (+1.5ltr if no coke)
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

(soaked beans and joint of pork 3-4hrs)
OK lets get this cooking, Place the oil in a large deep casserole pan on a medium heat, gently soften the onions, carrots, leek, celery and garlic for around 5 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a gentle simmer, pop on the lid and leave to do it's magic for the next 3-4 hours.  When the pork is fall apart tender and the beans are soft, remove from the liquid, crank up the heat and reduce the sauce until slightly thickened, this is your BBQ sauce.  Add back the beans and pork pulling the pork apart as you do.  Now your ready to stuff your burrito.
Place your pork in  a casserole dish with a lid and place the carrots, onions, garlic, leek and celery, coke and water, pop on the lid and place in the oven for 2 hours at around 180 C / 360 F, once cooked add the tinned black beans, white wine vinegar, sugar and ketchup, reduce if needed and pull the pork apart in the BBQ sauce, season to taste.

Burrito Flat Bread Wraps
(makes 6 wraps)
(Or use store brought 10" tortillas)
500g 00 flour
10g sea salt
50ml olive oil
320g water

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and bring together to form a dough ball, knead for 5 minutes until smooth, cover with a tea towel and leave to rest while you make the salsa.  You don't need to leave this dough to prove as it is un leven (no yeast) but you can leave the dough to rest for a few hours and it will naturally prove a little.  To cook divide in to 6, roll out and in a hot hot dry frying pan cook for around one minutes on each side, keep warm wrapped in a tea towel until needed.

Ahead Planning For Speedy Suppers
I make batches of this dough up, portion in to 6 balls pop in to zip lock bags, freeze and then I have fresh dough to hand when ever I want to make flat breads, pizza's or tacos, just defrost, roll out, cook, eat and enjoy.

1 can plum tomatoes
2 tbsp tomato puree
1 small onion
1 red chilli
1/2 bunch fresh coriander
1 juice lemon
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp pickled jalapenos

Place all the ingredients in to a blender and blitz until smooth, any left over salsa is great served chilled with a bowl of corn chips.

Rest Of Ingredients
1 ltr ground nut oil for frying the burrito
8 tbsp full fat organic yogurt
10 steams fresh coriander chopped
2 red or green chillies finely sliced

2 cups basmati rice
4  cups water

Put the rice on to cook when you are ready to cook the flat breads and stuff the burritos and fry them.
This is a really simple and quick way to cook rice, place the rice and water in a pan with a lid, do not stir or take of the lid at any point!  That is very important!  Bring the pan to a good simmer and leave to cook for 8 minutes untouched, take off the heat and leave to rest for a further 5-10 minutes, again untouched, then your rice is ready and perfect.  Your rice is ready after 5 minutes resting, but will retain it's heat for a further 5 minutes if you need that time for cooking the rest of your meal.

First place a deep frying pan or skillet on a medium heat and fill 3/4 with the oil
Take your flat bread and place 3 generous tablespoons of the filling in the centre of the bread, now you need to fold the burrito in a set way so that none of the filling can leak out while frying, so...

First fold:  Take the top of the side in front of you and fold over to the far side of the filling.
Second fold:  Take the far side and repeat, this time the fold is coming to the far side of the filling in front of you, but on top of the other flat bread flap.
Third fold:  Turn the whole burrito over, face down on your work top
Forth fold:  Take the left and right sides and fold in to the centre of the flat bread, turn back over and now you have a beautiful secure burrito ready to be fried to become a glorious chimichanga.

Place the burrito flap folded sides down in to the hot oil and cook for around 2 minutes each side until crisp and golden, drain on a towel and serve with the rice topped with your fresh salsa, sharp yogurt, chilles and fresh coriander, every mouthful is a joy and one I don't want to end.

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