Top Blog Recipes

26 Feb 2017


This is one of my favourite Sunday family Indian cooking comforting food dishes, a protein packed nutrious gorgeous comforting bowl of love, I can eat way to much of this if left alone!  This is one of those dishes that is great when just made and just as great cold the next morning straight from the fridge scouped up with flat breads, if I know there is dhal leftover in the fridge when I go to bed I will often find myself at 3 am walking to the fridge for a sneaky few spoon fulls (Sooo good) and then as soon as I wake up it is one of the first things on my mind for breakfast with a poached egg.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 40 minutes
LEVEL:  Super easy

(Serves 4-6)

Tarka Dhal
1 large mug of red lentils soaked
1 tbsp ghee
1 large onion finely chopped
8 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp garam masala
4 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
4 tbsp coriander stalks chopped optional
1 tsp sea salt

Ten Minute Flat Breads
500g whole meal spelt flour
50g olive oil
10g sea salt
320g water

Heat the ghee in a sauce pan to a medium heat and gently fry the onion and garlic for around 5 minutes, remove half from the pan and leave to one side for later.  Drain the lentils and rinse then add to the softened onions and garlic along with 3 mugs of water and the coriander stalks if using.  Bring to a low simmer and pop on a lid and leave to gently cook for around 30 minutes, when the lentils have broken down and are all pulpy cook on until you have the desired thickness you like, I like mine fairly thick where others like their dhal a little looser.  

Add the turmeric, garam masala, sea salt and stir in, taste and check for seasoning then top with the reserved pan seared onion and garlic and fresh chopped coriander leaves, that's it your good to go.

Flat Breads
Place all the ingredients in a large bowl or a mixer with a dough hook and mix together until a smooth dough has formed around 3-5 minutes.  Divide in to 8-10 balls, roll out each ball to around 6" in diameter.  To cook heat a skillet to a medium high heat, place the flat bread on the skillet and cook for around 1 minute on each side, wrap in a tea towel to keep warm while you cook the rest.  Serve family style and enjoy.

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