Top Blog Recipes

21 Sept 2017


Food To Grab and Go...
These are an excellent healthy energy bar loaded with super good for you ingredients that you can just grab and go with, helping to keep you on track and supporting your healthy eating lifestyle.  Geeky good for you food science bit below...

Prep time 5 minutes

(Makes 8 bars)

250g dried sulphur free apricots
1cup flax seed milled
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup sunflower and pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
50-100ml water

Place all the ingredients except the water in a food processor and blitz until incorporated, add the water I start with 50ml and blitz to combine, feel the mixture it wants to be moist enough to hold together.

Place the mixture in to a 6" x 4" baking tin and press down firmly in to all the corners, pop in the fridge and leave to firm up for an hour or so and thats it, I then cut the block in to 8 bars and wrap in parchment paper so that my family can just grab and go.

You can alternatively roll the mixture in to individual balls.

Geeky Good For You Food Science Bit...


Just to start 28g of Flaxseed will give you over 6000mg of omega (ALA)-3, 8g of fiber, over 30% of Vitamin B1, Manganese, Magnesium, 19% Phosphorus and 10% Selenium, along with good amounts of B6, Iron, Potassium, Copper and Zinc.

Flaxseed is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, maybe the orgional first Super Food!

High in fiber and low in carbs, the seeds have a high level of mucilage gum, a gel forming water soluble fiber which is beneficial to the intestinal tract.  Also high in insoluble fiber which supports colon detoxification.  Flaxseeds provide food for the friendly bacteria in your colon that can help cleanse waste from your system.  3 tbsp flax seed oil with a glass of carrot juice can act as a natural constipation relieve.

The ALA fats in flax seed support healthy skin, nails and hair by providing essential fats and B vitamins, can help to improve acne, Rosales and eczema, and dry eye syndrome.  Even better is flax seed oil, 2 tbsp daily in your diet increases the concentration of healthy fats.

Lowers cholesterol, the soluble fiber content of flax seed traps fat and cholesterol in the digestive system so that i is unable to be absorbed, soluble fiber also traps bile which is made from cholesterol in the gall bladder, bile isexcreted through the digestive system which forces the body to make more using up excess cholesterol in the blood and lowering cholesterol overall.

Packed with Antioxidants (Lignans), these are a unique fiber related polyphenols that provide us with antioxidant benefits, these support anti aging, hormone balance and cellular health.  Lignans are also high in anti viral and antibacterial properties, therefore may offer protection agains colds and flu.

Digestive Health the ALA in flax seed can help protect the lining of the digestive tract and maintain GI health.  It has been shown to be beneficial for people suffering from Crohn's disease and other digestive ailments, can also help reduce gut inflammation.

Flax seed and Cancer, there a studies that links time and time again that flax seed may decrease the risk of breast cancer, prostate, ovarian and colon cancer, the three Lignans found in flaxseeds can be converted by intestinal bacteria into enterolactone and enterodiol which naturally balance hormones which may be the reason flax seeds reduce the risk of breast cancer.


Have a natural phenolic (antioxidant) concentration and the antioxidant activity is shown in studies to stop up to 70% of free radical activity, this speeds up the body's response to repairing damage in turn this prevents further cell damage.

Very high in fiber, 28g has 11g of fiber thats half your RDA, fiber not only supports healthy gut and colon but is essential for your body's ability to balance insulin levels.  A natural blood sugar balancer due to their high fiber content and healthy fats.

Chia seeds ability to reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure make them extremely beneficial to consume for heart health, by lowering and reversing oxidative stress you are less likely to develop atherosclerosis.

Fatty Acids, linoleum acid helps the body absorb fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K, for such a tiny seed Chia is incredibly high in healthy fats boasting more omega 3s then salmon.  Omega 3s work to protect inflammation, lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

Bones, just 28g of chia seeds has almost 20% of your RDA of calcium, fundamental to bone health.  A great protein.

High in alpha lipoid acids (ALA) a omega 3, ALA is found to limit the growth of cancer cells in both breast and cervical cancers.  It causes cell death of the cancer cells without harming the normal healthy cells.

Packed with calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and zinc chia seeds are also great for your teeth and tooth health.  Zinc prevents tartar by keeping plaque from mineralising on to your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad breath germs at bay, vitamin A and phosphorus are important for strong teeth and a healthy mouth.


Sesame crusted seared tuna with a wasabi and soy sauce dressing, this is one of my favourite eats, I like to off set the fresh creamy richness of the tuna with a nutty earthy seared sesame flavour and bitter chickory leaves and I just have to have wasabi, I have a love for the fresh paste, and always have to use enough to take my breath away, beautiful!

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 7 minutes

(Serves 2)

1 8oz sashimi grade tuna steak
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1 tbsp coconut oil
6 large chickory leaves
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp wasabi paste fresh

Heat your skillet to a medium hot heat, place the sesame seeds on a plate and lay the tuna steak on top of the sesame seeds, turn over and coat the whole tuna steak, place the coconut oil in the skillet and when melted add the tuna steak, leave to sear for around 2 minutes before tuning the tuna steak over, you will see the tuna steak cooking where the side will show a band of colour rising, you want to turn the tuna steak just before the colour changes gets half way up the steak.

Once turned turn the heat down a little and cook for a further 2 minutes, remove from the heat and leave to rest for a couple of minutes, while you lay the chickory leaves on your plates.  Mix the soy and the sesame oil together, I like to paint the wasabi on the tuna but you can also mix it it the soy and sesame dressing.

Slice the tuna and place on your leaves then drizzle over the soy dressing and enjoy.


This is one of my best ever meatloaf recipes, moist succulent and brilliantly flavoursome, being British but living as much as I can in the US I am learning to love meatloaf, now chicken fried steak, Idaho mashed potatoes a side of more mash and country gravy that I am in love with but meatloaf not as much hence I always order my favourite dish at my Husbands local diner where he will always orders the blue plate special meatloaf, I will admit it is so succulent that I do wonder why I want to eat his meal but I never order it but then how can I when they have chicken fried steak.  How can I not... But it did make me think how I could get the meatloaf that moist and tasty at home for my family.  After a bit of homework I got it, its mushrooms just like the secret to a perfect British Beef Wellington, a mushroom layer that adds moisture and brillant flavour.

Prep time 5 minutes / Sautéing time 10 / Oven time 30-40 minutes

(Makes 6 individuals)

500g ground chuck steak
1 tbsp coconut or olive oil
10 mushrooms chestnut diced
1 onion finely diced
2 garlic finely diced
1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 egg beaten
1/2 cup flaxseed (gluten free) OR
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
6 slices Prosciutto Parma ham

Heat a skillet medium hot, add the oil and gently soften the onions, garlic and mushrooms for around five minutes, take off the heat and leave to cool slightly while you get on with the meatloaf mince.  Pre heat your oven to 180 C / 370 F and place a shallow roasting tin full of water in the bottom of the oven, this will keep the oven moist and create a little steam which will help keep the meatloaf really moist.

Place the rest of the ingredients except the prosciutto in a large mixing bowl and using your hands mix thoroughly, add the slightly cooled mushrooms and mix in.  Take your muffin tin and line six with the prosciutto leaving some hanging over both sides.

Take a handful of your meatloaf mix and squeeze together then place in the prosciutto lined muffing tin, press in to all the corners and wrap the over hanging prosciutto over the top the of the meatloaf to make a parcel.  Repeat with the rest.

Pop in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes, if you have a cooking probe you will want the centre of the meatloaf to be above 85 degrees, I use the prodding method, if it bounces its cooked, if it squishes it needs a little longer.

Take out and leave to rest for a few minutes before serving, these are great as on the go food or for fridge raiders! 

18 Sept 2017



This is such a brillant and tasty spin on the classic salt and pepper squid with a bonus boost of turmeric, (why? Below) succulent juicy melt in your mouth seasoned squid with a crispy dusting of cornflour that adds a gorgeous layer of crispy chewy spicy coating, leaving you wanting more, this went down too well with my family and I can't really take the credit for this recipe as my Amazing Son Oscar created this recipe, check out his own blog Oscars Awesome 

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 5 minutes / Resting time 3 minutes

(Serves 2)

2 squid tubes cleaned and prepared 
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp ground black pepper 
1 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
4 tbsp cornflour
1 ltr ground nut oil for frying
1 lemon in wedges
1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley

Heat your oil to 180 C / 350 F, in a bowl add the sea salt, pepper, turmeric, chilli and corn flour and mix well, take you squid and toss well in the seasoned cornflour, bash the excess dusting off and place the squid in the hot oil, fry for approx 2 minutes until crispy and the squid has changed colour from opaque to white.  

Place on a rack to drain for a minute then serve with a a drizzle of lemon juice and sprinkling of flat leaf parsley, thats it, make plenty as this is really moorish, enjoy.

1500mg RDA
Turmeric is one of those little spices you should try and eat every day, helps control high blood sugar, great if you have or are pre disposed to diabetes, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant helps protect against ageing, anti atherosclerotic, heart protecting and weight reducing actions, another great benefit for diabetes and reducing complications from associated diseases.  Important role of curcumin a key component in turmeric in the the prevention and treatment again of diabetes and associated disorders, neuroprotective and anti infections actions.  Helps protect against Alzheimer's.


This is an outstanding easy recipe for a fresh vibrant sriracha hot chilli sauce that may have you leaving that famous rooster bottle in the store, I know it is for my family!  We grow most of our food and I had not grown any Serrano chilli plants but I had grown plenty of red jalapeños so I used these, next spring I will grow Serrano chillies and will up date on the difference of flavour when I have made a batch using home grown sriracha chillies.

But for now this sriracha is soooo good I can't believe I will be able to improve on its mouthwatering gorgeousness.  

FERMENTING  eeeek ! 
This was a slightly scary word to me...I have kept a sour dough starter alive for a year and have made kimchi a couple of times but was always a little scared of what if I had fermented bad bacteria!  Well we're all still alive!  So I thought come on just give it a go!  I brought myself a kilner fermenting jar with a charcole filter lid and made sure I sterlized the jar and cleaned the kitchen with vinegar so that would give me the best chance of a clean ferment.

Prep time 5 minutes / Fermenting time 7 days / Cooking time 10 minutes

(Makes approx 300ml)

 700g red jalapeños 
1 tbsp Himalayan sea salt
3-4 tbsp light brown sugar
4 large cloves chopped garlic
125 ml apple cider vinegar 

The Fermenting 

Place all the ingredients except the white wine vinegar into your food processor and blitz, blitz and then blitz some more until you have as smooth a mixture as possible, around three minutes.

Decant into your kilner jar scraping every bit out from the food processor, pop on the lid and just leave on the side somewhere safe where the jar won't get knocked over and out of direct sunlight for 7 days, after 3-5 days you will see the exciting start of the ferment, there will be some movement like cracks in a wall, this is good.  

After day 5 gentle shake the jar to mix all the fermenting chillies back to a smooth consistency and again on day 6.  Day 7 over a saucepan strain the mixture through a sieve and using the back of a spoon push through as much of the mixture that will go through, you want really dry pulp left in the sieve.  Add the vinegar and bring to a rolling simmer, reduce the sriracha sauce down to the thickness you require, I like the sauce to coat the back of a spoon well this way it sticks to food better so you get more of a bang of flavour with each mouthful.

Take off the heat and decant into a ball mason jar, leave to cool then pop on a lid and store in the fridge for up to 6 months, IT WON'T LAST THAT LONG!  Enjoy. 

14 Sept 2017


Gorgeous lemon peppered seared chicken served on a bed of garden julienned yellow courgettes, carrots, red and white cabbage tossed through a hint of sesame oil and wasabi a super good for you supper that is loaded with flavour and good for you ingredients.

You won't miss the noodles!

Prep time 10 minutes / Marinating time 20 mins / Cooking time 5 minutes

(Serves 2)

2 chicken breasts bashed flat
1 lemon zest and juice
1 pinch sugar optional
1 pinch white pepper
1 pinch black pepper
1 pinch onion powder
1 pinch garlic powder
1 pinch turmeric
1 pinch Himalayan sea salt 

2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp wasabi paste
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 courgette julienne 
2 carrots julienne 
1/4 red cabbage finely sliced
1/4 white cabbage finely sliced
1 leek finely sliced
2 tbsp chopped coriander 

First prepare all the ingredients as this is a speedy cook supper.  I place the chicken in a glass bowl with the marinating ingredients, mix well and pop in the fridge while I prepare the rest of ingredients.

Heat your skillet to a medium hot heat, add 1 tbsp of coconut oil and then place the chicken breasts in the pan, don't be tempted to turn the chicken, you want to create a layer of crispy seared flavour, after two minutes turn the chicken breast and cook for a further two minutes, then turn the heat down really low and leave to finish cooking and relaxing at the same time while you get on with the stir fry.

Heat a wok or deep saucepan medium hot, add the remaining coconut oil and then all of the julienne and sliced vegetables, stir fry for around three minutes, the add the wasabi paste and sesame oil and stir through.  Take off the heat and serve in a large noodle bowl, slice the chicken breasts and place on top of the vegetable noodles piled high and finish with a sprinkling of coriander, that's it enjoy.

4 Sept 2017


This is almost dangerous!  Warning keep your spoons locked up!  This dish came about by accident, I brought some fresh mussels from our local seafood beach shack for a moules classic French style Sunday lunch, but when I went to clean them there was buckets loads, I guess weighed wrong 2 kg required but ended up with 3 kg!  We can eat mussels until their coming out our ears but even that is pushing a portion a bit far!

So mussels two days in a row, not a problem, but the naughty part of me wanted a decedent but light lemon and cream sauce, once my spoon went in that was it I could and would not stop, such a rich and sumptuous little bowl of heaven, the greedy part of me loves all the mussels out of the shell so that my spoon is uninterrupted delivering spoon after spoon of gorgeousness without any delay.

Prep time 10 mins / Cooking time 5 minutes

(Serves 2)

1 kg fresh live mussels
1 onion finely diced
2 cloves garlic finely diced
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp coriander chopped
100ml good quality dry white wine
100ml double cream
1/2 lemon juiced 
1 pinch black pepper
1/4 tsp turmeric
1 fresh red chilli optional

Heat a saucepan medium heat, add the coconut oil, onions and garlic and cook for five minutes until softened, add the turmeric, black pepper then turn up the heat to medium hot, add the mussels and stir in for a minute or so then add the wine, pop a lid on and leave to steam for around 3 minutes, take the lid off and add the cream and lemon juice, lid back on and shake the pan to mix the cream and wine with the mussels.

Cook for a further minute to heat the cream to simmering, take off the heat, throw in the coriander and chilli, toss once more and serve, this is where I like to take a minute to remove all the hot hot hot mussels from their shells and pop them back in to the sauce so that I can spoon eat.  That's it your done, enjoy.  I don't eat any grains or starch anymore :-(  / :-) (keeps me a small girl not a 23 stone big girl !) but in my past I loved to soak up all the juices with slices of sour dough bread and frites, after the spoon feast.  Serve this as is or your own way with lots of fresh bread and a pile of fries for extra dipping.