Top Blog Recipes

21 Sept 2017


Sesame crusted seared tuna with a wasabi and soy sauce dressing, this is one of my favourite eats, I like to off set the fresh creamy richness of the tuna with a nutty earthy seared sesame flavour and bitter chickory leaves and I just have to have wasabi, I have a love for the fresh paste, and always have to use enough to take my breath away, beautiful!

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 7 minutes

(Serves 2)

1 8oz sashimi grade tuna steak
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1 tbsp coconut oil
6 large chickory leaves
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp wasabi paste fresh

Heat your skillet to a medium hot heat, place the sesame seeds on a plate and lay the tuna steak on top of the sesame seeds, turn over and coat the whole tuna steak, place the coconut oil in the skillet and when melted add the tuna steak, leave to sear for around 2 minutes before tuning the tuna steak over, you will see the tuna steak cooking where the side will show a band of colour rising, you want to turn the tuna steak just before the colour changes gets half way up the steak.

Once turned turn the heat down a little and cook for a further 2 minutes, remove from the heat and leave to rest for a couple of minutes, while you lay the chickory leaves on your plates.  Mix the soy and the sesame oil together, I like to paint the wasabi on the tuna but you can also mix it it the soy and sesame dressing.

Slice the tuna and place on your leaves then drizzle over the soy dressing and enjoy.

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