Top Blog Recipes

10 Dec 2017


Avocados...Unripe, Unripe, Unripe...Rotten! 

Rich creamy, super good for you loaded with goodness and flavour, these little gems are so versatile, eat them on their own, stuff them, bake them, turn them in to a sauce, mayonnaise or into gnocchi and pasta, you will never get bored of an avocado.

Avocado Health
Vitamin B6, K, C, E, 67% mono un-saturated fats as oleic acid, 19% palmittic acid and linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat, potassium, folic acid, high fibre, folate and omega 3 fatty acids.  Perfect food, compounds help the liver to cleanse toxins, lowers blood cholesterol, eaten with spinach and carrots will increase absorption of impressive carotenoids, these are fat soluble and aid absorption of carotenoid nutrients, anti inflammatory, helps arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular health, protects blood vessels and promotes blood sugar regulation.

If like me you love your avocado's daily and like to keep a stack in the fridge, some un ripe waiting to ripen later and others ripe and ready to go, this post is for you if you find as I used to, Unripe, Unripe or rotten!  This has taken some trial and error and now I never have any avocados that go rotten, I really detest food waste.  This ripening system is working really well and it is the avocados secrets that tell you what stage of ripeness they are at if you just know what to look for.

The Perfect Avocado
Here you can see that this avocado is perfectly ripe, almost just over, one more day however and it would have start to go rotten.  Avocados go rotten firstly from the point they are detached from the tree and then secondly around the stone.  Avocado's will never ripen on the tree they only ripen once picked.  This is the first point of where an avocado will start to spoil, above you can see where the avocado is just starting to spoil.  How you tell this without first cutting open an avocado is easy once you know how.

X-Ray Vision! 
How to tell if your avocado is perfectly ripe, try to remove the stalk stub at the top of the avocado, if your avocado is ripe this will easily fall off, in ripe it won't want to pop off and over ripe and spoilt the stub may have already fallen off and you can probably see the start of mould in the stub pocket.

Perfectly Ripe Avocado

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