Top Blog Recipes

10 Feb 2018


Gorgeous heavenly spoonfuls of succulent chicken layered with crispy Parma ham and chorizo infused cream sauce, this is great on its own in a large bowl, best eaten with a spoon and possibly in private, but works even better tossed through spaghetti pasta, finished off with fresh Serrano chillies and parsley, this is a easy one skillet cook and from fridge to table in under fifteen minutes, making this a great weeknight treat.

Prep & Cooking time 15 minutes

(serves 4)

4 chicken breasts diced 
100g chorizo sliced
100g Parma ham or bacon
1 small onion finely diced
2 cloves garlic grated
200ml double cream
2 tbsp fresh parsley 
1 Serrano chilli diced (optional) 
1 pinch Himalayan sea salt 
1 pinch fresh ground black pepper 

Heat your skillet medium hot, add the chorizo and Parma ham or bacon, you don't need to add any olive oil as the gorgeous fats in the paprika infused chorizo will render down and do this for you, cook until crispy, remove from the skillet and reserve to one side, add the chicken to the skillet and when almost cooked add back the chorizo and Parma ham, add the cream and bring to a gently simmer, that's it finish off with a sprinkling of sea salt and pepper to taste, Serrano chilli and fresh parsley.  Serve on its own, with a side order of vegetables or tossed through a big bowl of spaghetti pasta.

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