Top Blog Recipes

4 Feb 2018


This beautiful little parcel packs great nutty sweet mild garlicky flavour to any dish, sauce and gravy it's great to spread on toast, add to stuffings and great with cheese and crackers.  One of my favourite ways to eat this is pasted over a roasted herby sausage meat stuffed chicken breast wrapped in Parma ham with creamy rich garlicky country gravy!  When I'm going to roast garlic I do several whole bulbs at a time so that I have extra squidgy garlic purée in the fridge ready to go adding that extra layer of flavour to a dish at a moments notice.

Cooking time 30-40 minutes


4 whole bulbs of garlic
50ml olive oil
1 pinch Himalayan sea salt (optional)

Pre heat your oven to 180 degrees and quite simply place the bulbs in a dish toss through the olive oil and season with the salt, cover the dish with baking paper or foil, bake in the oven for 30 minutes for soft whole squidgy spreadable cloves great for spreading or 40 minutes for a purée spread that melts into sauces.

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