Top Blog Recipes

1 Aug 2018


Is it a British scone or an American biscuit, it's a British scone, I think there is a slight difference in the method not the ingredients!  Either way these cheese scones are great thickly buttered and stuffed with fresh ham off the bone and a mild cheddar cheese.

(makes 12)

600g plain AP flour
190g cold grated butter
40g baking powder
80g caster sugar
200g grated cheddar cheese
160g milk
160g double cream
1 egg wash beaten 

Pre heat your oven to 220 C / 450 F and when ready to cook reduce the oven to 200 C / 400 F.  Rub the butter and flour together, stir in the baking powder, sugar and almost all the cheddar cheese, reserving a little for sprinkling on top, then add the milk and cream and bring the dough together until it just forms a ball.

Turn out on to your work top and using the heels of your hands press the dough out to around two inches thick.  Fold the dough in half, turn 90 degrees and press out again then fold in half and again turn 90 degrees, you guessed it repeat two more so you have done this four times.

Leave the dough to rest for 20 minutes then press out to your desired thickness, I like big scones so I left my thickness at around 2-3 inches.  Cut your scones how you want them, if your using a round cutter then do not twist the cutter just go straight down and up this ensures a better rise.

Brush the tops with the egg wash and sprinkle over the remaining cheese, bake for around 20 minutes until golden brown and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped.  Enjoy within half an hour for the best scones ever.

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