Top Blog Recipes

16 Aug 2018


There is something very comforting about cooking with an open flame, whether it is in a wood fired oven or around a fire pit it fills me with great satisfaction even if I set fire to the meat!  It must stir some redundant Cave Woman gene somewhere deep inside of me!  From starting the fire to keeping it going long past cooking there is something quite mesmerising about it.  Slow wood fired cooking not only gives you the most moist succulent meat but adds a great depth of flavour you can not achieve any other way and has given us some of the best tasting cave man cooked dinners.


1 organic chicken
4 tbsp webbers BBQ seasoning
(make your own recipe below)

BBQ Spice Rub
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sweet paprika
1 tbsp Himalayan sea salt 
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp chipotle chilli powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper

Mix all the ingredients together, any left over keep in a ball mason jar for up to three months.

Over excited husband!

Once your fire has been established for around an hour or so and you have white wood coals with a glow of red your ready to cook.  Rub the BBQ spice rub all over the chicken, place on a decent strong skewer directly to one side of the heat, this will give you more control with the temperature or place the chicken in your wood fired pizza oven, or alternatively I cooked this chicken on a steel plancher with a dome lid over the fire pit, all cooking methods work the same, turn the chicken regularly to ensure even cooking, moving the chicken away from direct heat and back over more direct heat to control the temperature, alternatively you can leave your chicken where it is and cook the Gaucho way by keeping the main fire going away from the pit and shovelling in white wood coals to keep the heat even around the meat as and when needed.

I find the chicken approximately 1.5kg cooks within 45 minutes, leave to rest for 10 minutes before serving this ensures the most juiciest succulent chicken.

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