Top Blog Recipes

10 Nov 2018


Girl Fire Food

I am in my true element when I cook over a wood fired pit, the flames add such flavour that can not be replicated any other way, and why would you!  Cooking over open flame always guarantees the most juiciest succulent moist chicken that wants to fall off the bone.  This chicken is elevated with a flavoursome tandoori spice rub that is great served with wood fired flatbreads, fresh mint yogurt and salad.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 1 hour 

(serves 6)
1 large organic high welfare chicken
100g tandoori spice rub (homemade recipe below)

Rub the chicken inside and out with the tandoori spice rub generously and take to your pit to cook.  I keep my fire pit at around 180 C / 360 F, I keep a hotter fire pit area on the go at the same time and bring white hot logs over to the slightly cooler cooking fire allowing me to control the direct heat.  I turn the chicken every 10 minutes to ensure even cooking and creating the juices meat.  Once cooked, leave to rest in a warm place just off the heat from the fire pit for at least 30 minutes, then serve family style on the table with a pile of warm flat breads that you can cook while the bird is resting, bowls of minted yogurt, salad and mint seasoned onion salad.

(makes 6-8)
500g 00 caputo Italian flour
10g Himalayan sea salt 
50g extra virgin olive oil 
15g yeast
320g water

Place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and either by hand or by machine with a dough hook mix for seven minutes, then dust a little flour over the dough mix and gently form into a ball, cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave in a warm area to prove for 1-2 hours until doubled in size if you want to use immediately, then other options are leave to prove slowly in the fridge for 24hrs, this is what I do as it gives me much more control over time and usage, this will keep for 48hrs in the fridge ready to go when you are, you can also freeze any left over dough at this stage, then when ready to use remove from the freezer defrost and once up to room temperature use as you would fresh.

 Take a oversized golf ball piece of dough, dust your work top with a little 00 flour, roll into a ball and roll out a large disk no bigger than your skillet if your not cooking in a wood fired oven, heat to a hot heat, place the flat bread in the pan and cook for one and a half minutes on each side, best served warm but are almost as good used later the same day, to use the following day dip the flat breads in water and pop in a pre heated oven for 3-5 minutes and Ta-Da almost as good as fresh.

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