Top Blog Recipes

28 Dec 2018


Buttery flakey shortcrust puff pastry stuffed and layered with all the Christmas dinner trimmings, cranberry cardamom sauce and served with a jug of roast turkey giblet gravy makes these a outstanding pie dinner from left overs.  I like to make these as individual pies for that over indulgence maximum pastry consumption at this time of the year.

Prep time 30 minutes / Cooking time 25 minutes 

(makes 8 small pies)

Left Over Filling
500g left over white and dark turkey meat
300ml left over to turkey gravy
8 chipolatas wrapped in bacon cooked
8 tbsp cooked left over stuffing
8 cooked brussel sprouts
4 tbsp cranberry sauce infused with cardamom 

Shortcrust Puff Pastry
450g plain flour
110g cold cubed butter
110g lard
180ml cold water
10g sea salt
1 beaten egg for glaze

The Shortcrust Puff Pastry
Mix the salt in to the flour, roughly rub or cut the butter and lard in to the flour not to finely, add the water just bring together to form a ball working very lightly.  Press the pastry in to a disk, to create a puff in the short crust fold the disk in half, push the pastry back out to a disk and turn 90 degrees, fold in half again, press out again, turn 90 degrees, repeat twice more so a total of four turns, this will create layers with the butter and lard which when cooked will melt and slightly puff up for a flakey short crust pastry, wrap in parchment paper and chill for 30 minutes.  Pre heat your oven 200 C / 392 F.

Cut one third of the pastry off and reserve for the pie lids, roll out your pastry as thin as you dare and line your pie tins, fill each pie to the edges to create full layers, first with a little gravy and turkey, then stuffing next place a bacon wrapped chipolata in the centre and sliced brussel sprouts either side of the sausage filling in the gap with cranberry sauce, top the final layer with more turkey and gravy, brush the edges with the egg yolk and seal on the pastry top, decorate the pie top with pastry leaves, give the pastry a egg wash and bake for 25 minutes until golden brown.

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