Top Blog Recipes

4 Jan 2019


Christmas Left Overs
I think I might love Christmas Day leftovers just as much as Christmas dinner itself.  This pie is a celebration of the glorious turkey in a outstanding crumbly flakey suet crust pastry, filled with a creamy rich velvety stock sauce and succulent left over roast turkey with left over roasted veggies this is a hug in pastry.

Best Ever Suet Crust Pastry
(This makes 1 large pie crust)
330g supreme self raising flour
100g cold butter grated
130g atora suet or fresh lamb suet
Water as needed (150ml+)
1 tsp salt and white pepper 

Make the pastry first so that it can rest in the fridge.  Place all the ingredients except the water in a large bowl and very gently mix, you do not want to over work the mix as this will make it rubbery, and this pastry is the best ever because it is light and crispy with a flakey texture finished off with a hint of almost dumpling texture underneath, that soaks up the gorgeous braise stake gravy.  Add the water a glug at a time probably 150ml ish and just crush the pastry mix together, wrap in paper and plonk in the fridge until needed.  

The Pie Filling
1 onion finely diced
1 garlic finely diced
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp flour
Left over veggies finely chopped
Left over turkey stock gravy
300ml double cream
Left over turkey dark and white meat
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper 

Heat a skillet medium add the butter and olive oil, soften the onion and garlic for five minutes then add the left over veggies and cook for a further five minutes, add the flour and cook out for a couple of minutes then add the turkey stock gravy a generous glug at a time whisking in until smooth before you add the rest, stop when you have a medium thick emulsion, add the turkey and double cream and bring to a gentle simmer for ten minutes, adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper and turkey stock if needed.  Leave to cool.

Pre heat your oven 200 C / 392 F.  Roll out your pastry and line your pie tin, place in the cooled turkey pie filling, egg wash the top of the pie dish, roll out and pop on the suet pie crust lid, crimp the sides and egg wash the top, I always love to decorate the top of my pies with a hint of personality, egg wash and bake for around 30 minutes until golden brown.

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