Top Blog Recipes

9 Mar 2019


Paleo and Ketogenic, to Good To Be True! Not !

These are some serious chocolate puddings that are totally guilt free and good for you too!  Just four super good for you ingredients a couple of minutes and these sumptuous chocolate pots are made.  Diabetic friendly for my husband these will not spike your blood glucose and leave you questioning can I really eat these guilt free, Yes as always in moderation! 

My Geeky Good For You Food Science Bit...

Protection from disease causing free radicals, supports cellular protection that fights against environmental toxins, antioxidants rich due to the  flavonoids and polyphenols are compounds that are believed to neutralise free radicals and protect the body from their damage.  A cancer fighting and heart healthy food due to a rich supply of flavonoids.  Good for your cholesterol profile due to oleic acid a heart healthy monounsaturated fat.  A brain boosting food good for focus and memory from the cocoa flavanols, which can also help lower blood pressure, contains manganese, copper, iron, magenesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamin K, selenium and calcium.

Extremely healthy medium chain fatty lauric acids easily digested and almost immediately broken down in you saliva and gastric juices which means it is less likely to be stored as fat.  This means pancreatic fat digesting enzymes are not essential which supports and puts less of a strain on your liver allowing your liver to work more efficiently.  Anti viral, anti bacterial, anti bacterial, protects body from infections and viruses.  Regulates thyroid function and highly nutritious.

Used for centuries, keeps sticky platelets from forming clots in your arteries, boosts metabolism and prevents candida.

Rich in protein, iron, B12, A, B2, B9, B6, CoQ10, (yolk D, E), lecithin, zinc, all essential amino acids, protein, retinal, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, omega 3fatty acids.

Daily allowance of cholesterol is 300mg a large egg yolk generally contains 220mg, however your body  when supported by a healthy low fat un-processed balanced diet may not absorb all this cholesterol, your body deals with healthy fats differently than fats from red meats.

Protects against heart disease, anti carcinogenic, significant amount of protein, choline, great for brain development.  Largest source of lecithin this is converted into TMAO a compound linked with heart disease, keep to max 7 eggs per week.  Contains all eight essential amino acids and essential nutrients, choline, your liver needs these amino acids to preform the detoxification process, choline and co enzyme are needed for metabolism, this is found in the egg yolk and protects your liver from a wide range of toxic substances while detoxing heavy metals.

Free range hens lay higher nutrient eggs, lower cholesterol and lower fat eggs, higher in omega 3 and vitamins.

Cooking time 10 minutes
(makes four)

1 can organic coconut milk
150g 85% dark chocolate broken
3 egg yolks
1 orange zest grated 
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 

This is super simple and quick to make put the coconut milk and orange zest in a pan and bring to almost just a simmer add the chocolate and using a whisk gently stir do not whisk, as soon as the chocolate has melted drop the egg yolks in one at a time whisking in quickly so that you don't end up with scrambled eggs and gently cook the yolks for a couple of minutes, take off the heat and add the cinnamon.  Pour in to your serving jars or glasses and set in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.

Why not top with some whipped thick coconut cream, fruit and grated chocolate shavings.

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