Top Blog Recipes

6 Mar 2019


Gorgeous twist on crab cakes, light fresh and zesty with a chickpea flour batter these balls are just scrumptious.  Serve with a hot habanero salsa for some great crab balls of fire!

(Makes 20)

1 whole crab white meat only
1 habanero per ball (10-20) blitzed 
1 lime zested
1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
250g gram flour (chic pea)
50g self raising
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp turmeric 
1 tsp nigella seeds
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
250-300ml water
Oil for frying

Blow Your Head Off Habanero Salsa
(Makes 250ml)

1tbsp coconut or olive oil
1 onion finely chopped
3 cloves garlic chopped
4 carrots peeled, chopped
6 habaneros whole, stems removed, pierced 
1tsp fresh oregano
1 tbsp light brown sugar or honey
1 tsp sea salt
500ml water
200ml apple cider vinegar (with mother) 

Great Balls of Fire
Place all the ingredients except the water in a large bowl and combine, add the water and stir in, you want a consistency of thick double cream, that's your batter ready to fry.  Heat your oil to 180 degrees and spoon in dollops of your batter, do this in batches so as not to over crowed the pan and lower the oil temperature, this would result in oil saturated balls.  Cook the balls for around 3 minutes and flip over half way through.  When cooked remove from the oil and place on paper to drain, serve immediately while hot.

Blow Your Head Off Salsa
Heat the oil and gently soften the onion and carrots for around 10 minutes then add the garlic and cook for a further 5 minutes, add the whole habaneros and water and gently simmer for a further 30 minutes until the carrots are super soft, blitz to a smooth purée reduce down to the consistency of thick double cream, add the vinegar, salt, oregano and sugar, taste and if the salsa is sweet, hot and sharp it's done, pour into a jar.

Will keep in the fridge for a week or so in air tight container.

Serve your Blow Your Head Off Salsa with you Great Balls of Fire!  Enjoy! 

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