Top Blog Recipes

21 Jul 2019


Gorgeous light fragrant crispy bites of onion pakoras, make plenty as once you and your family start eating these you won’t want to stop!  I have to fend my family off, well truth be told as the cook I get first dibs while I’m cooking the onion pakoras and no one is any the wiser! 

Prep time 5 minutes / Resting time 30 minutes optional / Cooking time 5 minute in batches

Onion Pakoras
(makes 10)

2 large Spanish onion
1 cup sliced spinach
1 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp nigella seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp sea salt twice
1/2 tsp white pepper
2 fresh chillies chopped
1 hand full fresh coriander chopped
1 cup chic pea garam flour
100ml water
1 ltr peanut oil to cook

If you have the 30 minutes resting time available sprinkle the half the sea salt over the sliced onions, smoosh the onions and salt together well and leave to rest for a minimum of 30 minutes, a couple of hours is even better, this releases liquid from the onions and makes a better more flavoured pakora batter.  Meanwhile place your oil in a deep saucepan and heat to 180 C / 356 F.  Never leave hot oil unattended.

In a large batter bowl mix the chic pea flour, remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt, pepper, curry powder, turmeric, nigella seeds, cumin seeds, fresh chillies, coriander and spinach, next add the onions and their resting juices mix well and add the water and bring everything together to form a thick sticky mass.

Take a table spoon and scoop a spoonful of your onion pakora mix, gently lower in to the hot oil, repeat but don’t over crowd the pan.  Cook for around two minutes, the pakoras are cooked when they are a crispy light brown and fluffy in the middle not stodgy, remove and drain on paper towel, repeat with the rest of the mixture, serve straight away with a cook mint yogurt dip.

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