Top Blog Recipes

6 Oct 2019


This is a quick easy one skillet cooked breakfast, great for kids, students and those hurry up mornings.  Simply heat your skillet medium hot, add a knob of butter and olive oil, the base ingredients can be whatever you have to hand or growing in the garden, I like my garden pantry as I can only eat what’s ready when it’s ready so the garden is in charge!  Sauté some onion, garlic, courgettes, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes for around 5 minutes, add some chopped bacon or ham or even left over roast chicken works, next drop in two eggs from a height, you actually want to break the yolks, using a spoon just do a zig zag across the pan only once to sort of combine, do not stir as you want a fried egg texture not scrambled mix, leave to cook for a couple of minutes and that’s it finish with some herbs like parsley or chives, oh and a drizzle of hot sauce.

(serves 2)

1 glug olive oil
1 tbsp butter
6 cherry tomatoes 
1 courgette diced
1 small onion diced
1 clove garlic chopped
4 mushrooms sliced
6 slices bacon 
2 eggs broken not beaten
Himalaya sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
1 tbsp chopped parsley or chives
Hot sauce (optional)

Heat the oil and butter medium hot, add the onions, garlic, courgette, cherry tomatoes and sauté for 5 minutes.

Add the bacon and mushrooms and cook for a further couple of minutes, then add the eggs, drop in from a height as you want to break the yolks, but not so much that you have scrambled eggs.

Take a spoon and just the once zig zag across the pan, not stirring but giving a hint of combining.  Cook for a couple of minutes, serve with some chopped herbs and a drizzle of hot sauce.

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