Top Blog Recipes

25 Oct 2020


I love a cheese stuffed burger, a Juicy Lucy or Lucifer with hot sauce, it is the hot gooey melted cheese oozing out equally in every bite followed by the juiciest flavoured chuck steak minced with fried onions, garlic, jalapeños and sweet cure bacon that sends my taste buds into a frenzy, just don’t judge me while I’m stuffing this into my face.

Prep time 15 minutes / Cooking time 6 minutes

(makes 4 burgers)

500g twice minced chuck steak
1 glug olive oil
1 tsp butter
1 small onion finely diced
1 clove garlic finely diced
1/3 cup pickled jalapeños 
12 rashers sweetcure bacon
4 slices of favourite burger cheese
Salt and black pepper
Ice berg lettuce
Red onion rings
Sliced tomatoes 
Tomato ketchup

Fire up your coals, wood fired bbq, or a skillet in the kitchen to cook the burgers on. In a pan heat the olive oil and butter medium hot, gently soften the onions and garlic for around ten minutes until translucent, remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly.

In a mincer or food processor place the chuck steak mince, softened onions, garlic, jalapeños, 4 rashers of bacon, salt and pepper and run once through the mincer to combine.  Divide the mix into 4.  Take each portion and form into a ball, press your thumb into the center to make a well, fold the cheese slice in half the half again and place in the center of the burger, gently fold up and over the chuck mince encasing the cheese totally in the chuck mince.

Cook the burgers and bacon on the grill or skillet to medium for around 3 minutes each side only turning once and serve this awesome burger in a grilled toasted buttered bun topped with ice berg lettuce, onion, tomatoes and ketchup.

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