Top Blog Recipes

31 May 2021


This is a wonderful dish, one to take your time over and really enjoy the preparation, cooking and eating!  Slow stock braised rice layered with succulent shrimp, clams, squid and octopus sautéed in garlic nutty butter this is a true feast.  The best paella rice in the world is Catala Bomba variety, a short grain rice that carries the DOP, destination of origin Arroz Bomba where the only true paella rice is grown.  This rice absorbs the flavoursome stock and plumps up beautifully so every spoonful is a delight.

Preparation time 10 minutes / Cooking time 30 minutes


(serves 6-8)

1 large glug of olive oil
1 tbsp butter
 1 large onion fine diced
4 cloves of garlic fine chopped
1 pint of paella rice
2-3 pints of fish or chicken stock
1 tsp saffron threads
500g fresh clams
50 fresh raw prawns
500g octopus legs cooked
1 squid cleaned and sliced raw
1 red & green peppers 1" squared
small bunch fresh parsley
salt and pepper
 Heat the oil and butter in a paella pan or a saucepan, soften the onion and garlic for 5 minutes not allowing them to colour then add the rice and stir for a few minutes, add the saffron and then start to add the stock, a few ladles at a time until almost absorbed, keep gently stirring, repeat this until the rice is cooked and has absorbed all the stock, (normally 2 to 2.5 pints) and the rice is just soft to the bite.

Add all the seafood and peppers and gently stir in, cook for approx 5 minutes, taste and season with salt and pepper then sprinkle over the parsley and serve.

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