Top Blog Recipes

21 Jun 2021



This gravy is a game changer so dang tasty and goes great with roast potatoes, roasted vegetables and vegetable suet puddings in fact anything!  This is a two layer cook, in fact the first layer of mushroom stock is a great mushroom gravy but the second layer adds such a intense layer of flavour that sees me drinking this gravy from a mug with my dinner, it’s a childhood thing, my Nan always served me a mug of braised stock gravy with my slowly braised dinner, I guess can you really ever have to much gravy!

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 1 hour

(Serves 4)

Mushroom Stock
1 glug olive oil
1 onion diced
1 carrot diced
2 cloves garlic diced
1 leek chopped
1 rib celery diced
4 dried mushrooms soaked in 500ml boiling water
6 whole black peppercorns 
1 sprig fresh thyme
Himalayan sea salt 

Mushroom Gravy
6 cep mushrooms finely diced
8 chestnut mushrooms finely diced
4 portobello mushrooms finely chopped
50ml olive oil
1 onion finely diced
3 cloves garlic chopped
1 courgette diced
1 tsp fresh thyme
1 tbsp fresh parsley 
Himalayan sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
1 can Guinness 
1 dash Worcestershire or mushroom ketchup 
500ml homemade mushroom stock (above)

To make the awesome mushroom stock place all the diced vegetables and peppercorns in the olive oil and gently soften for ten minutes, add the mushrooms and their liquid, the thyme and approx 500ml water, bring to a gentle simmer for 30 minutes, take off the heat and leave to rest for 15 minutes.  Strain, add back some of the softened garlic, onion, carrot and leek mix and half the mushrooms, blitz to a smooth sauce.  Season to taste with salt and pepper as needed, for a thicker more robust stock add back and blitz more of the vegetables.

For the next layer of the gravy heat the oil, gently soften the onion, garlic, finely chopped mushrooms and courgettes, soften for 25 minutes then add the Guinness and mushroom stock, Worcestershire sauce, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper and reduce by one third for around 35 minutes.

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