Top Blog Recipes

24 Sept 2021


I love how food can invoke a memory of a moment in time, a spoonful of luscious lemon curd transports me straight back to my Nan’s kitchen where Nan would make me lemon curd sandwiches, my love for lemon curd was established and is still as special to this day.

Makes 6-8 Jars

8 lemons halved and zested
1 ltr water
2 kg marrow peeled and diced
1 eggs beaten
4 egg yolks
300g butter
700g sugar

Pre heat your oven 180 C / 350 F.  Place your clean dry jars and lids in the oven for 5 minutes to sterilise.  Remove from the oven and leave on the side.

Remove any seeds from the lemons then place the lemons and zest in the water and bring to a simmer, cook for 30 minutes until completely softened and around 2/3 of water has evaporated.  Leave to cool slightly then in a food processor blitz until smooth, return the lemons to the pan, meanwhile place the marrow on a roasting tin and roast for 30-40 minutes until really soft, blitz to a puree in a food processor and add to the lemons, bring the pan to a gently simmer, add the sugar and stir in to dissolve, next add the beaten egg and yolks one at a time continually whisk in very quickly so as not to scrambled the eggs but to emulsify into the lemon sauce, add the butter, continually stir and cook the sauce for a further 2-3 minutes to fully cook the eggs, remove from the heat and pour in to your sterilised jars, pop on the lids and leave to cool on the work top, once cooled store in the fridge and use within 3 weeks.

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