Top Blog Recipes

21 Feb 2022


Great tasty crackers, super good for you, loaded with plant based omegas and high in fibre this is a super food lunch especially when loaded avocado, spinach, egg and cream cheese, optional slices of salmon.

Geeky Good for You bit…
Fabulously easy to make crackers that are super healthy for you too, loaded with So Good For You ingredients, Turmeric gives anti inflammatory protection, is an antioxidant, speeds up wound healing and relieves arthritis, diabetes support by lowering blood sugar reversing insulin resistance, helps with depression and cholesterol.  Flaxseeds are loaded with omega 3 ALA fats, huge wallop of fiber and low in carbs, high protein along with vitamin B1, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium which gives you healthy skin and hair, lowers cholesterol, supports digestive health and are highly antioxidant and finally Chia seeds super high in fiber, supports digestive and heart health, supports diabetes because their rich in alpha-linolenic acid which helps lower excessive fat in the blood and supports strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin B6, K, C, E, 67% mono un-saturated fats as oleic acid, 19% palmittic acid and linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat, potassium, folic acid, high fibre, folate and omega 3 fatty acids.  Perfect food, compounds help the liver to cleanse toxins, lowers blood cholesterol, eaten with spinach and carrots will increase absorption of impressive carotenoids, these are fat soluble and aid absorption of carotenoid nutrients, anti inflammatory, helps arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular health, protects blood vessels and promotes blood sugar regulation.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 40 minutes

(makes approx 24 crackers)

100g ground flaxseed
100g chia seed
60g psyllium husk
100g sesame seeds
75g sunflower seeds
75g pumpkin seeds
50g mixed nuts Brazil, walnut, almond
1 cup grated Parmesan 
1 tsp turmeric 
1 tbsp Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp nigella seeds
550ml cold water

At this point you can add any extra flavour you like, I often add some chilli flakes or cumin and if I want to use these crackers for dipping with a lovely fresh bowl of salsa I will add fresh coriander and lime juice to compliment the salsa dip.

Optional Spices
(roughly 1 tsp)
Nigella seeds
Fennel seeds bashed
Coriander seeds bashed
Cumin seeds bashed
Mustard seeds
Harissa spice mix
Fenugreek seeds bashed
Ground paprika/smoked
Dried chillies
Ground coriander 
Ground ginger
Ground cinnamon 
Mixed spice
Curry powder
Moroccan spice

Pre heat your oven to 150 degrees C, combine all ingredients in a bowl, lay some baking paper on your work top enough to cover your baking sheet, cut a second sheet the same size, this is going to save clearing up!  Take one quarter of the mix in a loose ball and place in the centre of the baking sheet, place the second sheet on top and press down to flatten the dough out a little.

Take your rolling pin and roll the dough through the paper, hence no work top to clean down!  Roll as thin as you dare, cracker thin.  Peel off the top baking paper and using a knife or pizza cutter score the dough in to your crackers, this can be triangles for corn chips style or long and thin for more fancy presentation or just your standard squares.

Slide your baking sheet on to your baking tray and pop in the oven, these crackers will take 40 minutes to bake to perfection, if you feel they are not crisp enough leave for a further five minutes or so.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack, they will keep for  two weeks in a air tight tin, they may loose a little of their crispy cracker, just pop in the oven for 5 minutes to crisp them back up.  Enjoy.

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