Top Blog Recipes

20 May 2022


Gluten Free Paleo

What a game changer, full of flavour and so yummy!  Make extra as these went to fast!  Super easy to make and they deliver massive flavour to your table, you can use these balls for the filling for pot stickers with gluten free cassava flour for the dough, recipe below.  Pair these up with a lovey soy, sesame and wasabi dip.

These balls are quite delicate before being cooked as there is no filler to bind, you can blitz some sesame seeds and or flaxseed which will bind these firmer, but I prefer the texture without.


20 large raw cold water prawns minced
5g dried mushrooms like shitake/porcini soaked and chopped
1 spring onion finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped coriander 
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sriracha sauce
Salt and white pepper

Soy Sesame Dip
30ml soy sauce 
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 pea size squirt of wasabi paste
5 dashes of mirin 
1 tsp brown rice vinegar
Few slices fresh red chillies
Few slices spring onion
Combine all ingredients

Mix all the ingredients together, using a small ice cream scoop, scoop up a ball and release into your hands, form into a firmer ball and place in a oiled steamer, pop a lid on steam for around 5 minutes until firm with a slight spring when touched.  That’s it enjoy with the dip.

For Pot Stickers

Cassava dough
1 cup cassava flour
33g arrowroot 
350ml hot water
1/2 tsp salt

Mix the dry ingredients together then pour over the hot water and mix to form a dough ball, knead for five minutes until smooth and the dough has a slight spring back when pressed.  If your dough is sticky add a little more flour, you want a wetter dough as if to dry the dough becomes tough and impossible to roll out.  Keep the dough covered in a wet tea towel until cooked.

Take golf ball pieces of the dough and roll out into a thin circle, place a raw prawn ball in the center, paint water around the edge of the dough, fold up the two sides over the filling and crimp together in a wave pattern.

To cook, heat a non stick frying pan, add a dash of olive oil and place the pot stickers one side down and cook on a medium heat until crispy and browned, add a 150ml of water and place a lid on and steam the pot stickers on a simmer until all the water has evaporated, then leave the pot stickers in the pan on the heat for a minute to crisp up the bottoms again, serve with the soy sesame dip and enjoy.

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