Top Blog Recipes

4 Jun 2022


A pie fit for a Queen, hot water French hand raised pie with my own rendered roast crackling lard and homemade butter pastry, this is a pie for an occasion.  For the platinum Jubilee I decided to make this a layered coronation chicken pie with mango, my own madras curry powder and garma masala, chilli, sultanas, lime juice and coriander, then to set the pie 24 hrs later with a mango jelly, this is a show stopper and truly a Royal pie.

In the 18th century game pies were prepared for the prosperous gentry and could be very elaborate.

Realistically I allow 2 days to make this pie, day one making the pie then I refrigerate overnight and add the mango jelly the next day and place the pie back in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours, then your good to serve.  You could serve this pie hot straight from the oven without the mango jelly.

(serves 6)

Hot Water Crust Pastry
600g strong plain flour
2 beaten eggs
7g Himalayan sea salt 
5g white pepper
1 tsp fresh chopped thyme
110g lard
110g butter
240ml water

Coronation Chicken Filling
1 kg chicken breast 1” diced pieces
2 tsp madras curry powder (recipe below if you want to make your own)
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp Garam masala
1 red chilli diced
1/2 cup sultana's
3 tbsp mango chutney
2 tbsp fresh rough chopped coriander
A good pinch of sea salt and black pepper 

Mix all the filling ingredients together and leave to marinate while you make the hot water crust.

The Mango Jelly
500ml mango juice
6 gelatine leaves

I used a old French game pie tin, this tin comes from a Chateau in the south of France where when in use would have been part of splendid dinners for the affluent Chateau owners, the pie tin is in three parts, which makes it very easy to use, it is like a corset for a pie, it is one of my most treasured baking pieces.

The French Raised Pie Tin

The Pastry
To make the hot water crust is really simple place the lard, butter and water in a saucepan and melt without allowing a simmer, in a large mixing bowl place the flour, salt and ribbon through the beaten eggs, make a well in the centre and pour in the hot lard and butter mix, using a spoon gently bring together until just combined, using your hand knead the mix for a minute until smooth ish, form into a ball.

Setting The Pastry in the Tin
Grease your french pie tin or tin you are using with butter, divide one third of the pastry for the lid and decoration then either chill for 30 minutes, roll out your pastry to about the thickness of two pound coins and lay into the the tin and push the pastry into all the folds of the mould, OR you can form a ball, keep back 1/3 for the lid, then with the just made hot water crust, place in the centre of the tin and then push the pastry flat on the bottom which will make the pastry rise up the sides, push this into and up the sides of the mould until the pie tin is lined with the warm pastry.

Roll out the lid, place the tin on the pastry and cut round the base for the lid and make any decorations 

Fill your pie with the coronation chicken right to the top and press down to squeeze all the filling in, egg wash the rim of pastry and place the lid on crimping the edges, don’t go over the rim, if you do once the pie is cooked the crust will break off when you remove from the tin.  Make a hole in the center of the lid, this is so you can pour the mango jelly in.  Decorate and egg was the top of the pie.

Place the jubilee pie in a pre heated oven 200 C for half an hour, then lower the heat to 160 C for one hour, if the top is browning up too much cover with foil, remove the pie from the oven and as these French pie tins they are comprised of 3 pieces held together with clips, remove the clips and the two sides of the pie tin carefully, then glaze the whole pie with egg wash and place back in the oven to cook for a further 10-15 minutes.  Remove the pie from the oven and allow to cool, then place in the fridge until completely cold or overnight.

Mango Jelly
Place the gelatine leaves in a bowl of water to soften for 10 minutes, heat the mango juice until warm but don’t simmer, take off the heat add the gelatine leaves and stir until dissolved.  To fill the pie with your homemade jelly use a large syringe or tiny funnel and jug and pour the jelly in the hole at the center of the pie until it reaches the top of the hole then store in the fridge overnight to set the jelly, then your good to go, enjoy this glorious pork pie it is a outstanding pie.

1 comment:

  1. My mother's speciality was French raised pies, they were the one thing that I never helped with as they took all her concentration. She had two of those moulds but, sadly, when she died, I couldn't find them. I suspect they'd got damp and rusted.
