Top Blog Recipes

23 Jan 2023


OMG! The Best Ever Free From Gravy!!!

Losing the freedom to eat without fear (grain allergies) has been a humbling experience that has taught me to respect ingredients more and pushed my boundaries, luckily for me already some how being a 95% paleo follower for the last 8 years has made this restriction easy!  Saying that I do miss pasta with a vengeance 🤣 Oh to have a bowl of orrichetti (little ears) pasta or a gorgeous sour dough sandwich.
This gravy has a optional third twist turning it into a luxurious French sauce.

This is a two stage cook that I do at the same time.

(serves 6)

12 chicken wings
Sea salt
2 carrots rough chopped
1 onion quartered 
3 sprigs thyme
1 bulb garlic halved
Glug olive oil
2 ltrs water

Place all ingredients in a deep roasting tin, place the chicken wings in last keeping half the wing exposed out of the water to crisp up adding great roast chicken flavour to the stock, roast at 200 C / 392 F for 40 minutes.  Remove from the oven, using a potato masher crush all the wings in the roasting tin releasing all their flavour, strain in to a jug and reserve on the side.

1 chicken carcass and giblets
25g butter
50ml olive oil
1 onion chopped
1 leek chopped
2 carrots chopped
2 ribs celery 
4 cloves garlic
2 sprigs fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
10 black peppercorns
500ml dry white wine
1 ltr water approx
Sea salt and white pepper

In a large deep saucepan on a medium heat melt the butter and olive oil, add the onions and gently soften for 15 minutes, add the garlic and soften for a further 5. Inured, next add the chicken carcass and giblets, leek, carrot, celery, thyme and bay leaves, cook stirring occasionally for 20 minutes then crank up the heat add the wine and reduce by half, add the chicken wing stock and top up with water to make 2 litres overall, bring to a simmer and reduce by 1/3.

Strain the gravy, add back some of the carrots, leek, onion and garlic and blitz the gravy to thicken using the vegetables as the thickener, add more of the veggies if you require a thicker gravy, taste and season with salt and white pepper to taste.  That’s your gravy done.  If you want to elevate as a sauce over chicken or fish or even in a pie then the French twist is a luxurious step up.

The Twist (optional)
A creamy veloute, a luxurious butter roux using the above stock base and cream gravy.

25g butter
25g plain flour
500ml chicken stock above plain or veg thickened
250ml double cream
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 pinch saffron optional

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and gently cook stirring most of the time for 5 minutes, this is cooking out the flour.  Using a whisk start adding a ladle of stock at a time whisking all the time to incorporate into a smooth sauce, repeat until you have a medium thick sauce, consistency of thick double cream, add half the cream, saffron if using and the mustard, whisk to combine, bring to a gentle simmer, taste and decide if you want a thinner sauce if so according to your taste add more stock for a lighter sauce or more cream for a richer creamer sauce, season to taste with white pepper and sea salt, this sauce is great for fish and chicken on a plate or stuffed into a pie.

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