Top Blog Recipes

1 Apr 2023


Gluten free.

Gorgeous Sunday morning brunch, caramelised sausage and chilli cheese corn bread pattie sandwiched between two light egg muffins with cheese and loaded with fresh avocado and spicy sriracha yuzu sauce, just perfect for a go slow Sunday breakfast.  I make my own sausages and use left over corn bread as the binder, you can also remove the skin from store brought sausages and form them in to your patties.

I use egg rings to make the muffin shape of the eggs but it’s not essential, if you don’t have egg rings just fry the eggs over easy in the usual way.

(serves 2)

4 sausages skinned / breakfast sausage meat OR homemade sausage meat recipe below
4 cheese slices
4 eggs
5 tsp butter
40ml olive oil
1 avocado smashed
1/2 lime juiced
1 small handful chopped coriander 
1 fresh jalapeƱo chopped
Sea salt and black pepper

Homemade Sausages
Making sausages is a lot easier than you think, ask your butcher for a line of sausage casings, using a funnel thread the sausage casings on to the spout of the funnel, tie a knot in the end, using the end of a wooden spoon prod the sausage meat down the funnel into the casings, this is how I started, now I have a hand turning sausage stuffer that allows me to make 20 meters of sausages at a time.  It’s a great fun experience to make your own sausages specifically with the kids, but be warned this activity does bring out the kids in adults too!

Traditional Old Spot Sausages, gluten free
A classic sausage great all rounder and for breakfast.
1kg minced pork shoulder and belly minced, bacon optional but everything is better with bacon…
10g sea salt
5g fresh ground white pepper
2.5g soft brown sugar
50-100g crumbled chilli cheese corn bread, recipe below or breadcrumbs
50ml iced water
20 fresh sage leaves
20 chives stems
6 sprigs of thyme
6 marjoram stems.

Sausage Stuffing !!!

The Pattie
Form your sausage meat in to equal patties around 4 oz in size, place in a pan with a dash of olive oil and tsp of butter and cook medium for around 3 minutes each side until cooked through.

Place your egg rings in a non stick frying pan, add some olive oil and a tsp of butter to each ring, heat medium hot, crack in one egg in each ring and break the yolk with a knife and give the egg one stir only, pour some boiled water into the pan and pop on a lid, the eggs will fry and steam at the same time, cook for a couple of minutes until the eggs are just set, remove from the pan immediately, season with salt and pepper and assemble your egg muffin pattie.

Mix together the smashed avocado, lime, coriander, jalapeƱos, pinch of salt and pepper.

I like to stack my muffin egg, cheese slice, sausage pattie, cheese slice, avocado, egg and a generous drizzle of sriracha, that’s it enjoy.



1 tbsp olive oil 
150g butter
2 onions finely sliced
1 tsp sugar
4 corn on the cob
4 large eggs
425g yellow cornmeal or polenta
500ml gold top milk
400g cheddar cheese grated
100g Parmesan grated
5 red chillies de-seeded and finely sliced
Large pinch sea salt and black pepper
1 tsp baking powder

Grease with butter a muffin tin.
Preheat your oven to 180C / 355 F.  In a frying pan melt the butter and a dash of ooil, add the onions and gently fry for approx 20-30minutes, after 20mins add the sugar and cook on until they are wonderfully caramelised, golden brown and sticky.
I love to take my corn off the cob, it really does make a huge difference to the flavour, so holding the cob upright on the board I run my knife from top to bottom cutting off all the kernels.  Add these to your onions and cook for a further 5 minutes.  Take off the heat and reserve to one side to cool.
In a large bowl place the eggs, milk, baking powder and cornmeal, season with salt and pepper, add most of the grated cheese, Parmesan and chillies reserving some for topping the cornbread later, add the caramelised onion and gently stir to combine.
Place the corn bread batter into the muffin tin and bake for approx 20 minutes, at 15 minutes cooking time sprinkle the corn bread with the remaining cheese and chillies and return to the oven for the last 5 minutes.  The cornbread should feel just firm and bouncy to touch.
Leave to cool for 5 minutes or so if you can, I am often impatient at this point because I want a warm moist slice of this delicious cornbread straight form the oven loaded with butter!  The corn bread is best serve from the oven but you can cook in advance and serve on the same day, and it will still be a show stopper.

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