Top Blog Recipes

1 Jun 2023


Gluten Free

A fun twist on a breakfast quesadilla, melted cheese wrap stuffed with softened bell peppers, onion, avocado, three cheese melty mix, fresh spinach, crispy bacon and a sunny side up egg, a sumptuous breakfast indeed.

(makes 1)

Cheese Wrap
1/3 cup grated cheddar
1/3 cup grated red Leicester 
1/3 cup grated mozzarella
Plus 1 handful extra for the filling

1/2 red bell pepper finely hopped
1 small onion finely chopped
1 hand ful fresh spinach
1 handful of mixed cheeses  (above)
1/2 avocado diced
1 tsp lemon juice
2 rashers bacon
1 egg
Oil for frying the egg
Salt and black pepper

Heat a non stick pan medium hot add a glug of oil and soften the bell peppers and onions for 5 minutes, add the spinach, stir through and take off the heat and reserve to one side.

Place the pan back on the heat, cook the bacon to your likin, reserve to one side, fry the egg to your likin, reserve to one side.

Place the pan back on a medium heat, add the 3 cheeses and spread out equally, do not stir leave to melt where the cheese will start to crisp up creating your wrap.

On one half of the cheese wrap add the softened peppers, onions and spinach mix, then the avocado drizzled with the lemon juice, next the bacon, a handful of mixed cheese and finally the fried egg, using a spatula fold over the other half of the cheese wrap, cook until the cheese wrap is crispy which will melt the cheese inside, serve immediately.

Salt and pepper is optional as the salt and bacon carry a fair amount of salt, so season to taste.

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