Top Blog Recipes

23 Jan 2024


Best Burger EVER ! 
Kamado Cooking

This is out of bounds as the man himself would say…chuck steak, short rib and ribeye minced together with sweetcure bacon, pickled jalapeños and shallot, seasoned with salt and black pepper, formed into 5 oz  balls, then a single smash (no lace) so make it count, cooked on cast iron over oak and hickory coals in the Big Green Egg Kamado at 230 C / 446 F.

Best eaten in private or with people who love you!

Burger Ingredients
(makes 6 burgers)

500g cold chuck steak diced
200g cold short rib diced
200g cold ribeye diced
3 rashers sweetcure bacon diced
1 shallot roughly chopped
1/3 cup pickled jalapeños
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper

Mix all the burger ingredients together, run through the mincer on a medium fine blade, divide the mix roughly by six and form into balls ready to smash.

Donkey Sauce
1 large bulb of garlic
Olive oil
Sea salt
Tin foil
1 cup mayonnaise 
1 tbsp yellow mustard
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Sea salt and black pepper

Pre heat oven to 180 C / 256 F.  Place the whole garlic bulb on the tin foil sheet, drizzle with the olive oil and season with salt, wrap up the foil around the garlic creating a wigwam structure, bake in the oven for around 30 minutes until you can squeeze the no garlic purée from the bulb.

In a food processor blitz all the ingredients together.

6 buns
150g garlic butter
1 red onion finely sliced in rings
3 dill whole pickles thinly sliced longways
1/2 cup pickled jalapeños 
2 tomatoes finely sliced


I’ve taken guy’s super melty cheese burger sauce and combined the sauce recipe with a gram flour (gluten free) roux bechamel to make cheese burger slices, this allows for more super melty cheese on the burger!


30g butter
30g gram flour (chickpea flour)
3 cups half and half
280g velveeta cheese diced
140g smoked gouda freshly grated
140g white cheddar freshly grated
140g provolone diced
1 tbsp Tabasco or Franks hot sauce
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

Melt the butter and whisk in the gram flour, cook on a medium heat for five minutes, add 2/3 cup of half and half and whisk in until you have a smooth thick paste, add another cup of half and half and repeat until all the milk is used.  Cook the sauce on a medium heat for 10 minutes,  add the velveeta and stir until melted, add the rest of the ingredients and stir until melted, at this point take two ladles of sauce and reserve keeping warm for the mac n cheese.   Line a low sided baking tray with baking paper, pour the cheese sauce on the tray, with a spatula level off the sauce, pop in the fridge to chill and set.  Cut into squares to fit your burgers.

Mac n Cheese
Cook your macaroni elbows and stir in to your warm reserved cheese sauce.


Heat your kamado to 230 C / 446 F.  Place your plancher or cast iron skillet in on the grill to pre heat.

Take your Pattie balls and place on the plancher, using two crisscrossed burger spatulas or a cast iron burger press, press down firmly and evenly only once to flatten out the burger, cook for around 2-3 minutes until a nice crust has formed, flip over, cook for 1 minute then add your cheese slice, squirt some water on the plancher and cover the burger with a dome, I use a stainless steel mixing bowl.  This will create steam that will melt the cheese without over cooking the burger.

Butter your buns with the garlic butter and toast on the plancher.

To load the burgers up…

Bun base
Donkey sauce
Cheese burger
Donkey sauce
Cheese burger
Red onion slices
Dill pickles
Mac and cheese
Donkey sauce
Bun lid

Remember to tuck and roll when eating this!

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