Top Blog Recipes

3 May 2024



What is it with the need to crack the secret KFC spice recipe!  Finger licking juicy crispy chicken that’s what!   Their spice blend recipe and method is why!
I’ve played with the famous 11 spices and this recipe is just as finger licking good, almost there but leaves me knowing without a science lab I’m not going to crack the ratio’s.

This spice dredge I used to make my crispy fried chicken then with the left over dredge I made onion pakoras, these were lick smackingly wonderful. 

Fried Chicken

After research I have learnt that the chicken has to be dipped in to a brine bucket before dropping in to the spiced flour dredge, then you have to scoop up the chicken and dredge, fold over and press the chicken down into the rub, squeeze the chicken and rub, then lift up the chicken and tap twice to knock of excess rub.  If dredging drumsticks you have to do this twice for the dredge to coat well.

Rest the dredged chicken for 20 minutes on wire racks.

Fry at 150 - 160 C / 302 - 320 F bone in pieces for 8 - 10 minutes and tenders for 4 minutes.

KFC Onion Pakoras
The KFC 11 Spice Blend
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp white pepper
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp celery seed ground
2 tbsp onion powder
2 tbsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1 tbsp ginger
1 1/2 cups gram flour (naturally gluten free) or plain flour
3 lrg Spanish onions sliced for pakoras

Mix the spices with the flour.

Toss in the sliced onions and mix throughly until fully coated in the spice flour.

Leave for 30 minutes for the salt to release the water from the onions adding to the flavour.

Add water start with 100ml and add 25 ml at a time until you have a batter the same consistency as double cream.

Leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Heat your frying oil to 170 C / 338 F.

Spoon in heaped spoonfuls of the onion batter a few at a time so as not to over crowed the pan, fry for approximately 4 minutes turning over halfway, until a deep golden brown, remove and rest on paper towel to drain, serve immediately.

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