Top Blog Recipes

22 Aug 2012



300g chicken livers trimmed
100ml Tio Pepe and 200ml water mixed
1 shallot fine diced
1 clove of garlic find diced
1 knob of butter
1 dash of ooil
1 sprig of thyme leaves only
80ml ish of brandy
100ml double cream
5 tbsp melted butter for the seal
Salt and pepper to taste

Gently pan fry without colouring the shallot and garlic.  Place the chicken livers in the combined Tio
Pepe and water, soak for 30 minutes.  This is to release the ammonia.  Drain and pat dry, add to the shallots and gently pan fry till pink, turn up the heat briefly and add the brandy, reduce by half, add the thyme leaves and taste for seasoning.  Leave to rest till cool and then blend all the ingredients together till smooth or to the consistency you like, add the cream, give a quick blend and adjust seasoning if needed.

If you want a really smooth pate, after blending smooth, pass through a sieve using the back of a
spoon.  Place your pate in a pretty ramakin and pour over the melted butter to seal and stop oxidation of the pate, plus this is a nice way to serve as the butter can be used on your Melba toast.

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