Top Blog Recipes

14 Feb 2014


Left over mince and onion pie filling turned into a quick light supper with the help of some beaten egg, breadcrumbs and seasoned mashed potatoes.  A glorious crispy potato cake filled with hot rich beer braised mince, drizzled with a hint of hot home made sweet chilli sauce and served on a bed of watercress with asparagus tossed in a hint of butter.  


Left over mince and onion pie filling or
glug of ooil
knob of butter and glug of oil
500g beef mince
300g onion chopped
300ml rich beef stock
1 can guinness
salt and pepper
600g mashed potatoes seasoned
2 eggs beaten
300g breadcrumbs
100g plain flour seasoned
water cress salad
sweet chilli sauce
green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli etc

If you are making these from scratch and not using left over mince pie filling, or why not double the quantities for the mince filling and make the plate pie as your left overs?  Heat the ooil in a non stick pan and brown off the mince, place in a colander to drain, add the butter and ooil to the pan and gently soften the onions, add back the mince with the stock and guinness and cook for approx one hour until reduced down with very little liquid, taste and season if needed.  Leave to cool before using.

Divide the mashed potato's into four, using a small tea cup line with clingfilm place the mashed potato into the cup and using the back of a spoon push the mash to the sides and up the cup making a well in the centre as you do this, place some of the mince in the centre and then cover the top with the mashed potato, twist the cling film to seal on top of the cup and then pull up removing the mash from the cup, you now have a mash stuffed cake, pop in the fridge to chill.  Once chilled un-wrap and very gently press down a lillte to make a more even shape.

Pre-heat your oven 180 degrees.  Line up three bowls and place the beaten eggs, breadcrumbs and flour each in their own bowl.  Gently dust the potato cake in the flour then dredge in the beaten egg and finally roll in the breadcrumbs and cover all over.  In a non stick pan gently pan fry until golden brown, turning over only once.  Then pop in the oven for a further 10minutes at 180 degrees.  Serve with watercress salad and a drizzle of hot sweet chilli sauce and green vegetables.

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