Top Blog Recipes

14 Feb 2014


Glorious simple yet sumptuous rich braised mince and onion pie, the ratio of onion to mince is important to the pie and the added flavour of rich beef and Guinness stock just lifts this pie to the level that means you will need to make more than you need because you'll just have to go back to the fridge for that extra naughty mouthful or two later in the evening.  Opening my fridge door after 11pm, which happens often makes me laugh as when I look at a slice of left over pie my husbands teeth marks minus a bite are often what's left! 

When it comes to cooking a good tip is if you are using energy then cook a little more than you need so that the work and energy cost make two or three meals for your family that need just a hint or twist to make them into other meals for the week with minimal effort.

(Serves 4-6 + leftovers for 4 ptns mince and onion *potato cakes)
1 glug of ooil
1kg ground chuck steak
500g onions finely chopped
1 tbsp butter and ooil
2 cloves garlic grated
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
5 sprigs of thyme no stalks
2 cans of Guinness
250ml rich beef stock
50g butter melted
50g flour
Mashed potato to serve 8
*(2 ptns for left over mince potato cakes)

450g plain flour
120g butter
180g lard or suet
1 tsp salt
150+ml cold water

First make the pastry, rub the flour, salt, lard and butter together to form rough breadcrumbs, add the water and bring together as a rough ball.  Press slightly flat and wrap in grease proof paper and chill for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, pan fry the chuck steak in the dash of oil until browned all over, drain in a sieve and leave to one side.  Add the remaining butter and oil to the pan and gently cook the onions until soft, add a pinch of sugar, the thyme and garlic and cook for a further 5 minutes.  Add the Guinness and stock and bring to a gentle simmer for about one hour.

Mix the melted butter and flour together this is your thickening roux, if you need to thicken the mince add a tbsp at a time and cook out the roux for approx 5 minutes until you have the thickness required for your pie, I like to keep my mince quite loose as I like the gravy to ooze out of the pie and all over my mashed potato.  Leave the mince to cool before filling the pastry case.

Roll out your pastry nice and thin, cut out the base and lid, line your pie plate or shallow tin and add the mince filling, egg wash the rim and pop on the lid, crimp the sides, egg wash the top of the pie and bake for approx 30-40 minutes until golden brown, you kinda want the odd hole to pop open so that some of the lovely meaty juices flow out and caramelise on top of the pie while it is baking adding a gorgeous meaty crispy flavour to parts of the pastry.

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