Top Blog Recipes

31 Mar 2014


Fantastic fresh zingy sumptous spiced pan seared chicken with a lime, coriander, coconut curry drizzle served on a watercress and spinach salad, what is not to love about this.

(serves 2)

2 chicken breasts
1 tbsp curry powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 lime juiced
100ml coconut milk
salt and pepper
rapeseed oil
small bunch of coriander rough chopped
2 handfuls watercress
2 handfuls spinach
8 baby plum tom halved
1 beetroot rough chopped
1 avocado rough chopped
2 spring onions chopped
2 tsp sweet chilli sauce (optional)

Really quick and simple supper, lay the chicken breast skin (less) side down on a sheet of clingfilm, place another sheet of cling film on top and with a rolling pin bash the fat end of the chicken to the same thickness as the rest, bash the rest a little to make a lovely large escalope.  In a bowl place the curry and turmeric powder, lime juice and salt and pepper, rub this all over your chicken breast and place in the bowl to marinate for half an hour or longer if you want to prepare this part earlier.

Remove the chicken breasts from the marinade and drizzle with oil, leave to one side while you make the coconut drizzle, add to the mariande bowl the coconut milk and mix well pour into a non stick pan and simmer until reduced and medium thick, remove from the heat and keep to one side.  Heat a non stick pan medium hot and add the oiled chicken breasts, sear each side until carmalised, a few minutes will do, then turn the heat down and cook for a couple more minutes each side until cooked.

Assemble the salad by placing the watercress and spinach piled high on two plates, toss over the baby plum tomatoes, beetroot, avocado and spring onions, along with a teaspoon of sweet chilli sauce drizzled over the leaves, serve with the seared coconut lime chicken and finish off with a generous drizzle of the coconut curry lime  sauce and fresh coriander.

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