Top Blog Recipes

3 Apr 2014


Wahoo a supper that feels like a cheat dinner but it is not, wonderful to cook for the whole family and to be able to enjoy with them.  The parsnip mash is gorgeous, I was hesitant but not anymore.

(serves 4-6)

1kg chuck mince (from your butcher)
1 tbsp coconut oil
4 spring onions finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic grated
1 rich stock pot knorr
salt and pepper
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of cumin
pinch of oregano
1 400g tin of tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
3 large carrots
10 large parsnips
1 tbsp goats butter

First peel the parsnips and pop onto boil, finely dice the carrots and simmer in water until soft, remove and reserve, meanwhile heat the oil in a deep pan and soften the onions and garlic for a few minutes, add the mince and crank up the heat, I like to catch the mince and caramelise a little as this adds great depth of flavour to the dish.  Once all the meat is caramelised and browned off add the stock pot, tomato puree, cumin, cayenne pepper, oregano, tin of tomatoes, the cooked carrots and then season with the salt and pepper, stir well and bring to a simmer for a few minutes and then transfer into a roasting/baking dish.

Once the parsnips are soft and ready to be mashed, drain and mash well, season with salt and pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil if you want.  Top the roasting/baking dish with the parsnip mash and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes until all the gorgeous meat juices bubble up and infuse with the crispy baked parsnip mash topping.  I served this as is but a lovely mixed leaf salad or a generous serving of asparagus, mangetout, stem broccoli and green beans would equally go well.

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