Top Blog Recipes

1 Aug 2014


So soul norishing, this is food that loves you back, I always feel so positive while and after eating this as my geeky food science side knows how much this bowl of goodness is nourshing, healing and loving my body, this bowl of sunshine is loaded with the marriage of minerals and vitamins that need each other to work together for effective absorption of nutrients.

My geeky science bit...


Chicken bone stock is so good for you, the broth water has calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, trace minerals, chodroitin sulphates and glucosamine, these latter two ingredients are expensive to buy as supplements, but they are found naturally in bone broths.  You need magnesium so your body and convert vitamin D into it's active form so that it can be used to absorb calcium.  We only need around 400mg of calcium a day, but the RDA says 1200mg, the reason for this is that we do not absorb all the calcium we eat, but if you have a balanced diet the extra calcium you absorb can lead to kidney stones and calcium in the blood stream and heart disease, chicken stock is anti viral, anti bacterial and scientifically proven to be 25% as effective as penicillin.

Asparagus vitamin B6, C, E, K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, beta carotene, iron, fibre, stimulates your kidneys, phosphorous, potassium, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, selenium, chromium, enhances ability of insulin to transport to glucose from your blood cells to amino acids.

Garlic allicin and selenium, cleans the liver, King of healing foods, fights food poisoning, stomach bugs bacteria, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risks of clots and cholesterol blood pressure and improves circulation.

Chilli eaten in large quantities is high in vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, B6, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Onion vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolic so flavonoids, anti inflammatory, lowers cholesterol and is an anti oxidant.

Watercress purifies blood, gives you iodine when eaten raw, vitamin A, anti bacterial mustard oils, betacarotenes, iron, phenethy, isothiocganate, vitamin C, E.

Celery has coumarins, potassium and vitamin C.

Carrots juiced are a detox cleaner for healthy liver and kidney functions, anti bacterial and anti viral, protect capillaries, chest, skin and eyes, vitamin C, E, A and B2.

(Makes one serving)
300ml - 500ml chicken stock
(recipe for stock below)
Large handful organic watercress chopped
6 stems of asparagus chopped
1 spring onion sliced
1 red chilli chopped
2oz chicken 

1 organic free rooting chicken 
2ltr water
1 onion quartered
2 carrots scrubbed
3 sticks celery
4 cloves garlic crushed
10 black peppercorns
Pinch sea salt

I make this chicken stock every week and keep in my fridge so I have quick easy and sumptuous food to hand, this also means I can have a meal ready in under five minutes from the fridge if I so want.

Place all the stock ingredients in a deep pan and gently simmer for an hour or so, take off the heat when you can pull on a bone and it gently pulls away from the chicken.  Leave the chicken to cool  in the broth, this will allow some of the stock to soak back into the chicken ensuring you have the wettest, juiciest chicken meat.  Once cooled remove the chicken and this is personal I keep the legs whole for other meals and then pick all the meat off, this I use a little in my broths and for other meals during the week.  I place the stock in a glass jug in the fridge, when you go to use the stock for the first time the fat will have salidfied, this I remove and give to my dogs, now your stock is ready to become so many meals, chicken broth, tom yum soup, thai laksa, pho, ramen, coconut chicken soup amoung many suggestions.

To make you chicken broth heat 500ml in a pan when gently simmering add the chicken and asparagus, this will only take 2-3 minutes to cook, meanwhile in your bowl put the chopped watercress, chilli and spring onion, pour over the hot chicken stock and enjoy.  

This is also great and super speedy as a cup of soup and easily transported as food on the go.

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