Top Blog Recipes

8 Aug 2014


 Call the fire department these hot hot hot zesty fragrant spiced Thai meatballs will set your taste buds on fire, the seriously hot ghost chilli's warning really is not to be ignored and if you are not a pepper head I suggest you have a side of cool greek yogurt with cucumber to hand just in case!  If these hot balls of fire intimidate you there is no shame in swapping the ghost chilli for jalapenos, I make both.

(makes 40 meatballs, serves 4-6)
400g organic lamb mince
400g angus beef mince
1 stick lemongrass
2" ginger
1 ghost chilli (or jalapeno)
1 onion
1 red pepper
2 tbsp chopped coriander
2 tbsp chopped watercress
3 cloves garlic
 2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 tsp harissa paste
1 organic carrot
1 good pinch sea salt and black pepper

This is a really simple assembly and quick cook, I know it looks like a lot of ingredients but it is not, if you listed all the ingredients you needed for your favourite sandwich it would probably look daunting to a Japanese person so bear with me, finely chop or food process the lemongrass, ginger, chilli, onion, red pepper, coriander, watercress and garlic, heat a non stick pan with the coconut oil and gently soften the mix for around five minutes, meanwhile place the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl, add the softened onion mix and then mix well with your hands to distribute evenly.  

Take a small ball and flatten, pan fry in a hint of coconut oil to taste for seasoning, adjust if needed and once happy with the seasoning roll in to small golf ball sizes or as I do use a mini pop cake scoop, I don't worry about them not being completely round.  Pan fry in coconut oil in two batches for around 10 minutes, turning regulary to ensure a gorgeous caramelised flavour on all sides of the meatball.

Once cooked serve with a watercress and spinach salad and greek yogurt and cucumber dip or with a side of organic thai jasmine rice, I love these little zesty nutrient power pack balls as a meal and as snacks from my fridge.  These are truly awesome meatballs. As a added note fill a ramen bowl with four meatballs, some cooked rice noodles, chopped spring onions, finely sliced veg, and some gorgeous chicken broth you will have another sumptuous nourishing meal.

My geeky food science love your body bit...
Garlic king of healing foods, activates liver enzymes helping the liver to flush out toxins, natural compounds that aid the liver in cleansing, high in sulphur which helps the liver remove mercury, food additives and the hormone oestrogen from your body, regulates and inhibits the number of fat cells, allicin and selenium, fights food poising stomach bugs, anti bacterial anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risk of clots and lowers cholesterol blood pressure, improves circulation, flavoniods, cardo protective and iron.
Onion vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, anti inflammatory, helps lower cholesterol, anti oxidant,  circulatory protecing.
Ginger gingerol antioxidants posses anti inflammatory and dilate blood vessels, anti viral and anti microbial properties, nourish your liver which aids in detoxification, this promotes circulation and helps unclogging arteries in turn lowering blood cholesterol by as much as 30%.
Lemongrass vitamin A, C,  minute traces B vitamin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, copper, phytosterois, anti microbial, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, packed with lots of goodness, anti oxidant, diuretic effects help cleans and purity the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas carrying out the toxins, increases blood circulation, anti septic compounds that effectively kill the harmful micro organisms, (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites) in the digestive tract and still preserve the beneficial gut bacteria.
Ghost chilli aids in weight loss, rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, the fiery burn of this hot hot hot pepper provides a better weight loss boost because it revs up your metabolism, you will eat less !!! and burn more calories because of your bodies reaction to the caspian,  vitamin C, B, B6, carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron.
Turmeric  livers favourite spice, manganese, iron, fibre, copper, potassium, vitamin C, B6, calcium, potash, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, choline, powerful medicine, improves the liver function, gives the liver the ability to detoxify toxic chemicals (xenobiotic), heals the liver strengthening your whole body, anti inflammatory agent the yellow orange pigment is called curcumin a pharmacological agent thought to have shown comparable to the potent drugs hydro cortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over the counter processed anti inflammatory drugs such as Motrin.  Curcumin produces no toxicity unlike the processed drugs.
Watercress purifies your blood removing toxins, high in sulphur very powerful liver cleanser, eat raw, cooked or juiced for best support, extremely high in plant chlorophyll's, greens suck up environmental toxins from your blood stream, they have a distinct ability to neutralise heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, this cleansing food (most greens) offer powerful protective mechanism for the liver, vitamin A, C, E, iodine, iron and phenethy isothiocganate.
Lime high in vitamin C, aids the body in synthesising toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed in water drinking freshly squeezed limes or lemons first thing in the morning stimulates the liver to detox.
Grass feed lean beef and lamb mince, ruminant (grass feed) half the fat in these animals is of un-saturated fatty acids (good fat), rich in vitamin B3 (riboflavin), B12 hard to find naturally in foods of plant origin healthy for red blood cells growth and production of energy, zinc, helps with uptake of vitamin D which works with calcium and phosphorous to build strong bones and teeth, small amounts of omega 3 fats for heart health.

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