Top Blog Recipes

29 Jun 2017


Gorgeous crispy Jammon and cave aged goats cheese little beef burger bites, these were truly scrumptious, one bite and suddenly ten were gone!  Great for fridge raiders and lunch boxes and healthy too, I served mine warm with a rocket and watercress salad and homemade chilli tk.

(Makes 15)

500g grass feed minced beef
1 shallot finely diced
1 clove garlic grated
5 slices Jammon torn into pieces
100g cave aged goats cheese crumbled
Sea salt and black pepper
Tomato ketchup
Watercress and rocket salad
1 tbsp coconut oil

In a large frying pan add a little of the coconut oil and gently soften the onions and garlic, turn up the heat a little and add the Jammon and cook until crispy, meanwhile in a large mixing bowl place the ground beef, goats cheese, salt and pepper along with the onions and Jammon from the frying pan, mix well by hand and form into small golf ball sizes, press flat and pan fry in the coconut oil until caramelised on both sides and cooked all the way through.  Leave to rest in the pan for a couple of minutes then serve with the watercress and rocket salad and drizzle with tomato ketchup or pop in the fridge for those I need food now go to moments! 

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