Top Blog Recipes

17 Sept 2015


Such gorgeous eating, loving my garden produce and what wonderful fresh vibrant and sumptuous meals it is providing me with, along with the paleo lifestyle this is one of those meals I just don't know how I did not eat before!  Mind you that probably explains how I got to 305lbs !  But with the Big Girls Diet lifestyle I am now down to 209lbs and 27lbs left to go, and I know I will never go back (18 mths) as this lifestyle makes perfect sense, in fact I have more gorgeous foods like creamy coconut curries, glorious roasted vegetables, beetroot chard leaf burritos and tons of avocados, so why would I!

Prep Time 10 minutes

(serves 2)

3 large beetroot chard leaves & stems
1 carrot grated
1 beetroot grated
1 tin of yellow fin tuna
2 red chilli finely sliced
2 spring onions finely diced
1 tomato finely diced
3 tsp sweet chilli jelly

First chop off the beetroot chard stems, chop these glorious red stems finely and mix with one of the red chillies and spring onions as a raw salsa.

Next loading the wrap which is more of a layering assemble, lay your beetroot chard leaves, place some of the grated carrot, then top with grated beetroot, sprinkle on the spring onion, tomato and chilli, then place a tsp of the sweet chilli jelly and finally a generous amount of tuna, fold over both ends and then roll over both sides and roll the whole parcel over so that the parcel is sitting on its seam.  Cut in half and serve with a sprinkling of the beetroot stem salsa, enjoy.

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