Top Blog Recipes

17 Sept 2015


Gloriously fresh and vibrant burrito, how can something this decedent be so good for you!  Rich creamy coconut rendang spiced chicken stuffed in a beetroot chard leaf loaded with raw shredded carrot, beetroot and topped off inside with a fresh tomato and red onion chilli salsa, spicy jalapeno and lime guacamole, then finished off with a drizzle of the creamy coconut curry sauce and a squeeze of lime.

Prep Time 5-10 minutes /  Cook Time 7 minutes / Serving Time 3 minutes 

(makes 2)

Rendang Paste
2 red chillis
2 shallots peeled
1 cloves garlic peeled
1 tsp fresh turmeric peeled
1 tbsp fresh ginger peeled
1 tsp galangal peeled
1 tbsp tamarind paste
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 lemongrass stalks roughly chopped
2 kaffir lime leaves crumpled

2 large beetroot chard leaves
2 kale leaves
1 beetroot raw grated
1 carrot raw grated
4 skinless boneless chicken thighs diced
1 small onion finely diced
1 large tomato diced
1 red chilli diced
1 tbsp fresh coriander chopped
300ml coconut milk
(method below if you want to make your own coconut milk)

Avocado Guacamole
1 avocado mashed
1 spring onion diced
1 tbsp coriander chopped
1 jalapeno diced
1 lime juiced

Place all the rendang ingredients except the kaffir lime leaves in a food processor and blitz to a paste.  Heat some coconut oil in a pan and gently fry your rendang curry paste for ten minutes, add the chicken and kaffir leaves and when three quarters cooked add the coconut milk simmer reducing by half to make your sauce, this will also finish off cooking the chicken, season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lime.

Mix all the avocado ingredients together and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Take the diced tomato, spring onion, chilli and coriander mix together and season to taste.

Take the beetroot chard leaves and lay the kale leaf in the centre, then top with a sprinkling of raw grated carrot and beetroot, next a generous portion of your rendang chicken, top with a spoonful of guacamole and tomato salsa, fold the two ends up over the filling and then fold over the two sides, rolling over the whole parcel so that you serve the burrito seam side down.  drizzle over a generous spoonful of the coconut rendang sauce over the burrito and enjoy.

To Make Your Own Coconut Milk
This is a really simple and quick process and well worth the effort, your coconut milk will keep for a week in the fridge.  First remove all the coconut flesh and water, place in a food processor and blitz really well, pour in 400ml boiling water and blitz for a further five minutes.

Place a muslin cloth over a large bowl and pour the coconut into the cloth, strain all the liquid through the cloth squeezing every drop out, the left over coconut flesh is great for cakes and sprinkling on breakfasts, or you can dry this out slowly in a low oven and store in an air tight container.  The liquid in your bowl is your coconut milk, if you pour this into a ball mason jar and leave to settle in the fridge, the coconut cream will rise to the top this you can use for a richer creamer coconut flavour or mix it in with the coconut water and use as milk.

Good For You Science bit

Rich in fibre, Vitamin C, E, B1, B5, B6, Iron, Selenium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous.  Coconut is extremely healthy for you full off medium chain fatty acids launic acid which is easily digested and almost immediately broken down in your saliva and gastric juices which means it is less likely to be stored as fat, because of this pancreatic fat digesting enzymes are not essential which puts less strain on your liver allowing the liver to work more efficiently, also full of anti viral, anti bacterial properties protecting your body from infections and viruses, helps regulate the thyroid function and highly nutritious.

Beetroot and Beetroot Chard
Organ and blood cleansing, lowers risk of heart disease, helps stimulate and improve overall liver function, full of iron, calcium, magnesium, folate, carotenoids, lutein, high in plant flavonoids and beta carotene supports eye health, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B6, B3, copper, potassium maganese and fiber

Lowers risk of cardio vascular disease, eaten in abundance significantly lowers the risk further, antioxidant benefits, inhibits growth of diseases, prevents oxidative damage inside the body, detox cleaner, promotes healthy liver and kidney function, antibacterial and anit viral, protects capillaries, chest, skin and eyes.

Outstanding source of lycopene, a carotenoid, packed full of antioxtioxidant, very good source of nutrients, a treasure of riches when it comes to their antioxidants in terms of phytonutrients, tomatoes are off the chart.  Reduce lipid peroxidantion (oxygen damage to fat cells membranes or in the blood stream).  Reduces risk of heart disease by antioxidant support and regulation of the blood stream.  This really supports your cardiovascular system, bone health and reduces risk of alzheimer's.  Vitamin C, K, A, B6, B3, E, B1, biotin, molybdenum, copper, potassium, maganese, fibrer, folate, phosphorous, magnesium, chromium, panththenic aicd, protein, choline, zinc, iron.

Anti bacterial, cardio benefits, protects heart and blood vessels, anti clotting capacity and  helps prevent unwanted clumping of the blood platelet cells, lowers blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, improves cell membrane functions in red blood cells, anti inflammatory, anti carcinogenic, oxidant protects arteries, can increase bone density and connective tissue.  Vitamins C, B6, B1, B7, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, manganese, copper, anti bacteria.

Compounds help liver to cleanse toxins, lowers blood cholesterol, eat with spinach and carrots to increase absorption of impressive carotenoids, these are fat soluble and aid absorption of carotenoid nutrients, anti flammatory, helps arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid cardiovascular health, protects blood vessels and promotes blood sugar regulation.  Vitamin B6, K, C, E, a perfect food that provides compounds in fact 67% more un-saturated fats as omega 9, oleic acid, 19% palmittic acid and linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat, potassium, folic acid, high fiber, folate omega 3 and 9 fatty acids.

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