Top Blog Recipes

30 May 2016


Gorgeous warm mixed green salad bursting full of sunshine and flavour with roasted lamb noisette with a rosemary infused sea salt seared crispy skin, wonderfully pink and juicy served with a cool fresh mint and (not strictly paleo !) goats yogurt drizzle and the all important rested lamb juices.

Prep Time 5 minutes / Cooking Time 22 minutes / Resting Time 10 minutes
Rosemary infused sea salt  

(serves 2 generously)

1 lamb noisette (rack off the bone)
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 generous sprigs rosemary
2 tbsp sea salt
2 large handfuls watercress
3 large handfuls spinach
1 large handful rocket
12 mint leaves torn
2 tbsp goats yogurt (optional)
1/2 tsp honey

First infuse the sea salt with half the rosemary in a jar a few hours ahead is great and even more time is better.  Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees, rub the lamb with the coconut oil and then season with the infused sea salt generously, heat a non stick pan hot add the rest of the rosemary and then place the rack of lamb skin side down and sear until a lovely light brown, repeat and sear all sides of the rack, remove from the heat and place on a baking tray and place the rosemary on the lamb, pop in the oven for a strict 18 minutes, not a second more, as soon as your timer goes off take the rack of lamb out of the oven and leave on the side to rest for 5-10  minutes, I struggle to wait until 10 minutes !

Mix the salad leaves together and season, place on your plates.  Mix the yogurt, mint leaves and honey together.  Carve the lamb and place on your salad, drizzle over all the resting juices and the goats yogurt and mint dressing, enjoy.

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